Slap Scald Stab

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Kavya was shocked to see him in that state...

K: Harsha, what's happened? What is this blood?(ToMaya) Could you please call Doctor Maya as Akka is not available?

Maya calls the doctor..

H: I had a little accident while I was heading home.

K: How many times I told you to be careful, especially when using your driving. I've reminded you many times not to use your mobile while driving as you always have arguments in mobile beacuse of your work it can cause accidents. But he great harshavaradhan garu wont listen to anyone. See how much blood is flowing..

H: oh god.. My dear Rakshasi am not using mobile, Out of nowhere, while I was driving, another vehicle appeared and collided with my car.

The doctor arrived and applied a bandage to him, administering a shot to alleviate the pain. Everyone, including Saudamini and her son, came to room to see him. Ritesh smiled seeing his condition. Kavya noticed this and became certain that his accident would have somewhat related to him. Eventually, everyone left the room. After some time, while Harsha was sleeping, Kavya sat beside him and held his hand, and then Ritesh arrived.

Rt: Tch.. tch.. Kavya, what's happened to  your husband? Is he alright? Tell him to watch out, he's got enemies all around him. You should've married me instead, Kavya. Why did you marry him? His life is in danger because of you...

He was taken aback when Kavya became Angry and Slap him..

K: HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH MY HUSBAND? What do you think of yourself? Are you trying to scare me by involving my husband in this? I used to see you as a friend, but now you're worse than an enemy! If I tell my husband or anyone else in this house wh...

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K: HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH MY HUSBAND? What do you think of yourself? Are you trying to scare me by involving my husband in this? I used to see you as a friend, but now you're worse than an enemy! If I tell my husband or anyone else in this house what you tried to do, your career, family, everything will be over in seconds. I just left you, why should I be scared of you just because you tried to show your not so called masculinity?Listen to me, Mr. Rishitesh or Ritesh, whatever your name is, I don't care if you're part of my husband's family. You pushed the wrong button,'s better if you don't try to touch me with you filthy hands like yesterday. I promise you, as Kavya Harsha Varshan, Next time, even if you come near me, I'll chop you into pieces and feed you to the crocodiles. No one, I repeat, no one will know. The benefits of being the wife of a rich businessman - you can commit crimes without witnesses. Who knows better than you? If you don't leave now, I'll teach you such a lesson, Going to the gym is far, you can't show your face to anyone. You can't even see yourself in the mirror.

Ritesh stormed angrily out of the room, leaving Kavya sighing in relief. However, her anger still lingered so she went to wash her face. As soon as she left, Harsha opened his eyes and the people who were hiding behind the door emerged - Anu, Maya, and Siddu. Anu was there, but Kavya thought Anu was in the hospital.

S:Woah she is literally became kali aar..

M:Yes,bava i dont know she is such a badass..

A:But Harsha Was the accident really caused by Him?

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