Im Sorry!!!

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Prakash and Ravikanth both thinking about what to plan. Then Prakash has seen the people before him...

P: Ravi , we are aging That's why we are being forgetful...

R: Rey, what u saying??

P: Don't you think so? We have another pair that we need to help tie the knot, right?

R: I dint understand....

P: That's why I said we are becoming oldies...

R: Say properly....

P: we have to arrange siddu and anu marriage before kavya and harsha...

R: That I know, they said they will marry next year right??

P: Yes, but they don't have any problem about getting married now right??

R: Sure, why don't we consider arranging their marriage while we bring our other couple together in this marriage?

P: Exactly, ( they hi-fi eachother) that's why we are bestfriends....

Meanwhile, they all arrived due to the commotion caused by their best friends. Lakshmi asked them what's all about this?

L: (stern voice)what's happening here??

Both became silent like children infront of her..

P: Nothing Lakshmi....

L: Don't u dare Prakash!! I know about you guys... Now spill the bean's..

P: Me and praksah are discussing about Siddu's marriage..

L: Ok, but didn't we finalize it for next year??

P: Lakshmi, I believe we should arrange their marriage without delay. Have you noticed how unhappy Soddu and Anu seem every time she visits her home? Being a doctor, they can't meet frequently either. We are aware of their deep love for each other. Ravi and I are considering speaking with the pandit to determine an auspicious time for the wedding.

Praksah wink at Lakshmi she understood the assignment and she knows that more to this story... so thought to ask these bestfriends later...

L: (to siddu) Yes, I think its better to do as Praksah said. I hope you both dont have any problem right??

Siddu and Anu both look and eachother.. they signaled eachother and accepts it finally...

A: As your wish , aunty but please can you to my parents also?

L: Sure..

P: Ok , then it's final.. you call pandit Ravi, ask him to come to our house regarding all muhurtams...

All congratulate Anu and siddu... After alll went to their rooms.. Lakshmi asked them. Then Prakash told everything what had been they are thinking.. she understands the assignment...

L: Ok.. But 1st talk to anu parents and kavya parents also.. then continue with whatever stupid plans you guys have...

P: Come on darling... Don't you know those stupid plans only fall in love with me.. I'm expert in this.... (he winks at her)

L: ( rolled her eyes) Yeah yeah... im stupid enough to fall in your love trap..

P: Arey... It's not trap yaar.. It's my love, it makes you fall in love with mee....

L: Ahaa.. that's my life biggest mistake....

P: (raise his eyebrows) really??

L: Ofcourse, That is only mistake which I don't really regret it...

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