Source of light.

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  As Kavya made her way to her room after dinner that night, she noticed that the lights were off in Maya's room. However, she could hear Maya crying. Kavya decided to sit quietly beside her, allowing her to cry as much as she needed to. The only source of light in the room was from outside, illuminating their presence.

After sometime.. Kavya starts talking by showing her hand..

K:  You seem unsure about my bandage, right? (Maya glances at her) I attempted suicide... (She explains the events of her wedding day)... I was just terrified of my strict parents' reaction, and my mind just shut down... You know, people always say that it doesn't require courage to die, but it takes courage to live... but that's not true, we need a lot of courage to die too,(smiles sadly) if we just put a fraction of that courage into our lives, we can face the situation. I don't have the bravery to confront my parents about baseless rumors, but I had the courage to harm myself, which is ironic... back then, I didn't know how to handle it if my parents heard rumors about my pregnancy, even if they were false... What I forgot is that I have another family here who always supports me - Bhavya, Annaya, Siddu, Anu akka, uncles, aunts. They didn't even question why I took such a drastic step, but they silently stood by me and encouraged me... (giggles softly) even now my parents are unaware; they think I injured my hand from slipping on the stairs, they managed to believe that...
    I know Your situation is completely unique, and the entire city is aware of your news. However, you are fortunate to have parents who are standing by your side and supporting you. To be honest, this is not the Maya I know. (Maya looks at her with surprise) The Maya I know is someone who speaks arrogantly and believes that she can have anything because her family has always spoiled her by getting whatevershe wants. From what I recall from our past encounters, Maya always had a sense of pride about herself even if she had done something wrong.
    You always seem so proud even when you make a mistake right, so why are you crying now when it's not even your fault?

   Kavya find small diya on table and goes there.. and light the lamp which illuminates light around entire room...

K: See a single spark of light is enough to defeat the entire darkness.. all we have to do is Find that spark to overcome negative thoughts and embrace life. I found my light in this family, Maya, it's your turn to find yours. I believe you already have,.... (Maya looks questionable) your parents don't let your parents pride down like I almost did for my parents... don't repeat the same mistake as me... and I'm sorry if I talk anything wrong... Gdni8..

Then she goes to her room and slept... Next day as she woke up late nearly 11 like that due to medication. Harsha is not there... with her.. after freshen up she goes down...
There all are in suprised face she goes near them and asked what happened..

B: Maya went to her home...

K: went means? How can she go? I mean did anyone came here to take or waht? When did she went?

B: morning only she went to her home by alone she didn't listen anyone . Her parents called and says that she is behaving differently today after reaching their home...

Meanwhile, Bhavya checked her email after months since she is busy with marriage all those she didnt follow her mails..and was surprised to see that she had  been selected and asked to check kavya same. Kavya was shocked when she found out that she had been selected for the design college she had ranked in the entrance exam They both considered leaving since the. college had already started and also now they're married, but Lakshmi convinced them to join their college in Bangalore. She also promised to speak to their father-in-laws for permission.

At night at Harsha room...

H: Do you want to study?

K: I want to but i don't want to go to another place..

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