CHAPTER•♡4♡• Nightmarish Festivities

Start from the beginning

_Do you think i will believe a single word coming from your mouth.
_That's not my problem. I advise you to keep your mouth shut for a moment, our parents are arriving. (said their sister who appeared behind them.)

_Damn you scared me, how long have you been here?
_enough time to ask to stop torn between yourselves.

_y'all look elegant tonight.
_ thank you Mother, I will return the consequences, convenience no the...

_Compliments imbecile.
_ Silence, I would have tried.

_you chose to answer for us and you used the wrong words, it's disgusting.
_what do I care leave me alone mother you see they still bother me.

_Behave like a man, you are no longer a child. (said the father.)
_Shut up (replied the mother. )

Jung lowered his head in front of her then gave her a kiss on her right hand. While telling her "Mother I hope you take my part when the time comes my one and only reason to be alive."

_ Jung is not the time to provoke your brother and your sister. I haven't made my decision yet. Try not to get yourself killed for stupid reasons.
_ah ah if you say so, I'm going to be absent from your family reunion. Well, I'll go take something to drink because staying here among all these people is not my thing. (Jung said while walking away from the crowd.)

Jung went to get a drink and didn't expect to come across his worst nightmare.

_Magnificent party, isn't it?
_uh yes it's impressive.

_ the so-called secretary always on edge, why aren't you accompanied.
_What does it matter to you?

_so like that you respond so badly to one of your brother's guests, it's a shame.
_What do you want from me in the middle of the night, leave me alone.

_And why should I obey your orders, tell me Secretary Jung.
_don't call me that I'm not at work.

_instead of answering me blindly, look at who is behind you.
_don't play with my nerves.

Then Jung turned his head and was amazed to see the handsome, tall and elegant Hwa standing behind him.

_so will you offer me a drink?
_Sir, what are you doing here.

_I was invited by your brother, I had no intention of coming but since I remembered that my dear secretary will be present, I am there then.
_so you're telling me you're here because you knew I was going to be at his birthday.

_your words are neither head nor tail, did you know that.

_yes and thank you for reminding me.
_but you're welcome, can you tell me why you came to keep me company where is your date.

_well to be honest, I don't really know and I didn't expect you to find yourself drinking here alone, I was accompanied but she left (urgent business).
_ I see, so bad luck I couldn't even find someone for this evening.

_why are you alone you don't have a girlfriend.
_no not at all, we don't have to have any.

_I know, but what do you do during (sexual desire)?
_I don't know, I satisfy myself by masturbating, that's all.

_ahhhhh ah it's fun, don't tell me you do it with toys alone or do you have a sexual partner of some kind.
_It's embarrassing, stop talking nonsense M Hwa what's wrong with you.

Hwa got closer and closer to Jung who tried to push him away but in vain, as his strength began to disappear.

_Go ahead and tell me how you do it, I'm just a little curious.
_do not approach me, I have no intention of telling you about my private life.

_I'm not going to hurt you, don't worry.
_I never said that, I need to be alone, I leave for a moment.

_come back quickly, I'm waiting for you here
_is it possible to leave me alone

_Aaahh ahh come on let's say not that, your words hurt me
_ I'm leaving and there's no point in following me

Jung got up and went to the bathroom, completely drunk thinking that Hwa hadn't noticed that.

''Hwa waited for Jung for a few minutes and started to worry because he was already drunk ''

_Why doesn't he still come, what is he doing? Leaving him alone in this state is a bad idea.

*He called the head of security*

_Riki go to the bathroom, I want you to go cheeck on someone for me.
_Yes sir, who is this person.

_It's Secretary Jung, he went into the toilet and I didn't see him
come out.
_Agree to your orders.

Riki went to the bathroom as Hwa asked and found Jung in a mess.

_Let me go, I tell you, are you stupid or what, let me go.
_why are you pushing me away, it's not your habit.

_ah yes but habits have changed for a while so don't come and piss me off.
_I was sure you would say something like that but you know I want to take you so much that it becomes almost unbearable.

_how can you want to fuck me when we've never done it together.
_you know in my head I always imagined you kneeling in front of me like a little slut begging me.

_I think that's enough let go of me well let's see me kneeling in front of you do you really think a dirty piece of shit like you deserves to see me like this one day.
_what insolence it looks like I educated you badly, the punishments weren't enough, you still blame me.

▪︎My god we understand better why we said that he encountered his worst nightmare
Riki contacted Hwa to inform her why Jung couldn't come out ▪︎( author )

_Sir, I intervene or not he just slapped him.
_So he got a slap in the face, what kind of brutality hit him.

_according to me, he's someone he knows quite well.
_Humm... maybe his ex or a thug, what a shame I think he raised his dirty paws on the wrong person.

_I stay behind.
_Don't intervene, I'll go there myself.

Meanwhile Jung tried to fight Caesar in vain, Hwa who got angry when he learned that Jung was suffering, went there himself.

_ You're not short of air after hitting me so much when we were together I thought you were going to change one day Caesar, I was wrong from what I see, isn't it.

_Big mistake, darling I changed that's why I came back to you my dove.

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