Chapter 41: Addicted

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May 15th, 1917,

Lance Corporal William Schofield dreamt, trying to catch up on sleep as he sat in the trenches with his unit... Thankfully, there had been a lull in the battalion's on-goings much to the more restless additions eager to take their shot at the Hun.

Even though there was a war going on Will's mind was very preoccupied with his own worries about his love and if that fiend Klaus Baumer was hurting his sweet Amelia. Will hated Klaus for that very reason but he couldn't argue with the fact that Klaus is actually what's keeping him alive on the battlefield. Whenever Will and his battalion would go over the trench and fight his enemies he would picture them as Klaus causing his protective instincts over Amelia and his anger over Klaus guide him in taking out his enemies on the battlefield.

The sun was setting and Will felt his eyelids close as he listened to some of his fellow soldiers snoring around him and a few others stood on sentry duty. The young man kept his hand inside his uniform jacket, feeling the lid of his tobacco tin where his personal belongings were contained.

As he drifted off, he heard the familiar voice of his dear friend Thomas Blake. Will open his eyes and silent tears rolled down his cheeks when he saw Tom's ghostly figure appear in front of him in the trench.

"It's been a minute, mate. I can't thank you enough for being there for Joe when Mum died. She sends you all her love and prayers." Tom's voice was soft and clear as Will just looked at him with a saddened but expression. Will was happy to see Tom but he was mainly sad over the fact that his Amelia was away from his reach without his love and protection to help her.

"She was a lovely woman, Tom. I'm most honored to have met her and known her... Joe loved and cared for her very much. And... she accepted me when I told her what happened to you." Will wiped away his tears and sniffled.

"There's no reason for her not to accept you, Scho. You're one of the most decent men I've ever known. And Joe wouldn't have been able to endure Mum's death without you and Amelia" Tom restrained his sob as he prepared himself for what he had to tell his friend. "I know you miss her greatly, Scho. I made sure she made it back to her era unharmed. But there's something else I need to tell you about her, my friend. Something's happened."

"How is she, Tom? Is my love alright?" Will perked up at the mention of his beloved girl from the 21st century. A shiver of dread racked over his spine, his skin riddled with goosebumps. "What do you mean something's happened to her? Tell me... was it Klaus?"

That very name left a metallic taste of hatred on his tongue. Anger and protectiveness enflamed his veins like an adrenaline boost borne from an instinct to save her from this monster that had terrorized the woman he loved.

He waited for Tom to answer him, breathing heavily as he kept his burgeoning rage at bay.

"When she returned to her flat in Virginia... he had a key made to let himself in before she got there. And... he drugged her and took her away..." Tom also felt the fury awaken inside him at the thought of beautiful Amelia being kidnapped by such a vile man. "Klaus stole her away... to make her his."

"" Will denied the very notion of his angel being taken against her wishes by the very man she loathed with all her soul. "No... she'll find her way back to us... she promised us."

"I know, Scho. But... you gotta remember that picture of her on the bier. If she does manage to make it back to you, Madeleine and Joe... I'm not so sure she'll be alive." Tom was barely able to speak though his tears now spilling down his cheeks.

Will was cursed with flashing images of what Tom had told him... and he wanted to kill Klaus Baumer, impale him with his bayonet, and watch the life leave his soulless eyes. He wanted to tear him apart limb from limb.

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