Chapter 26: Again

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April 23rd, 1917

Express to Waterloo Station

In Will's train stateroom, Amelia and Will were sitting close to each other on his bed as the floor rumbled underneath them with the locomotive's movements. Will held Amelia close to his chest in a protective but caring embrace just as if he was comforting her and shielding her away from the painful memories that she was about to tell him. Amelia rested in his embrace and laid her head against his chest trying her best to relax with the sound of his heartbeat before she told him about. After a few minutes of listening to Will's calming heartbeat, Amelia was finally in full relaxation mode and settled into a state of pure calmness. Amelia took a deep breath and began telling Will who Kurt was.

"At first, Kurt was charming, if not annoyingly persistent. I'd worked for the Richmond library for a few years already when his family began funding it. Kurt was a patron of the library, working there nearly every day until he was given a position as my new boss." Amelia looked down at the wooden floor as she sat up on the edge of William's bed in his train stateroom, the lance corporal listening to her every word as he held her close to his side, one of his large hands holding both of hers in the young woman's lap, his other arm enfolded around her waist.

Amelia found herself sniffling as unshed tears watered her eyes, but she blinked them away as she felt her soldier's empathetic gaze on her, ever patient in his silent presence beside her as she gathered her composure and strength to continue her story. She looked into the ocean depth of his eyes as he lifted both of her hands to his mouth and kissed both sets of her dainty knuckles, not needing to express his encouragement to her with repetitive words of reassurance.

Corporal Will Schofield's love for her was beyond genuine. He was steadfastly true and unconditionally protective of her emotional and physical well-being... And he had articulated as much with every, touch, kiss, and word spoken to her.

Amelia loosened some of the messy strands of her blonde hair from her braid behind her ear, it was as if it was Amelia's nervous habit that Will had noticed she occasionally did when she was flustered or overwhelmed. Will bit his tongue when he felt tempted to whisper some soothing words to her, only settling to continue cradling her small hands in his larger, scarred one... His free arm held her close to his side as she held her head up and cleared her throat to prepare for more talking.

Will imprinted a most tender kiss on her forehead, sighing with silent pride toward this young lady displaying such strength in her vulnerable state, such courage in her desire to confide in him as her confidante and trusting him with such sensitive details as the woman who chose to love him when she deserved a more worthy man than himself.

Amelia choked back more oncoming tears and cleared her throat again so she could keep talking and finally release herself of the devilish demon residing on her shoulder, whispering noxious venom in her ear to discourage and discredit her.

No...not again!

"His name is Kurt Jäger, he is from one of the richest families in Berlin, Germany. My library was on the brink of being shut down with low customer attendance and staffing being shortened. He went to college in the States and graduated in Richmond, thanks to studying at the library and he suggested his family lend their patronage to keep everyone employed and business running."

Amelia briefly leaned her head on Will's shoulder before turning to him and placing a kiss on his cheek, allowing her sweet lips to curl into a briefly enlightening smile before they turned down again into a grim set of melancholy expression.

Will remained calm and silent, not wanting to pressure or overwhelm her unless she didn't want to continue her tale of woe. However trained he was to keep his emotions bottled up as a reserved Englishman, his Amelia was an American spitfire of immovable temper and an admirable portion of courage whilst still possessing a confident dignity about herself; he adored her even more for it.

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