Chapter 40: Lithium

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Amelia dreamed about nothing but oblivion as she floated in a dark void.

All was silent as she wondered where she was, looking around to see if anyone or anything was nearby to pull her onto a steady terrain.

The quiet mocked her, causing Amelia to look around her in horror as a terrifyingly familiar voice rumbled through her ears, making her body shiver with disgust and her limbs freeze in paralysis, even though her instincts screamed at her to escape.

"You know what's coming, kleines Fräulein. You can't run away from me, even in your dreams. You were born to be mine." Klaus's deep voice thundered in the air, coiling about her; like a snake encircling its prey. "You're mine to touch and possess"

A thick strand of string wrapped around each of her ankles, holding her in place; not rope or wire binding her feet... it was something else. Made of silk and glistening with fresh dew...

Another pair of strings reached out to her and tied about her wrists and she was laid out on her back upon a strange surface that took her brain a moment to process; entirely composed of cold, damp threads, beautiful yet deadly in their entrapment of her, all glued together where she couldn't move at all.

Amelia realized then that she was in the ornately patterned center of a giant spider's web... and she was completely snared even more as another string looped around her knees, tying together her thighs, like a chrysalis around her lower body...

Her hands were tied above her head, her upper body spread-eagled as the web strands soaked the thin fabric of her white snowdrop dress. She struggled in vain, the watery substance of dew drenching her golden blonde hair.

A whimper resided in her larynx, slowly building into a piercing scream of bloodcurdling fear as she saw the silhouetted shape appear from the darkness, the atmosphere around her transforming from a nocturnal black into a hellfire crimson as she sensed her demise approaching.

The shadowy creature slunk into the red flaming light and Amelia felt the undiluted shriek of fright travel up her esophagus, her lungs aching as she was holding her breath, tears coming to her eyes.

A beastly, giant, black widow spider, all eight limbs and multiple beady red eyes clear as day within her sight began to torturously creep toward her; all of its eyes alight with hunger and lust to devour her...

Before Amelia's scream of terror could shatter her dream, an especially thick strand of webbing enfolded around her jaw, covering her mouth to clamp her lips closed. She moaned and sobbed against the gag restraining her expression of dread and vulnerability.

And the noxious voice of Klaus emitted from the spider's fangs. "It's pointless to cry out, Prinzessin. Nobody can hear you nor will anyone save you from me."

The arachnid creature crawled closer to her as she tried to wriggle away, to close in on herself for even the smallest ounce of protection.

Her vision blurred with her tears as she realized the spider was halfway to her, slinking in her direction. The spider chuckled with a sinister tone as he began to change form before her very eyes. The Spider transform into Klaus but he was wearing a black Nazi Soldier's uniform decorated with a red Swastika armband and a Iron Cross medallion hanging from around his neck. It was strange his uniform was the same Madeleine described to Amelia during her story about her husband. When he next spoke, his voice was a soft velvet serenade of seduction, soothing her into a false sense of security.

"You won't feel a thing my precious Prinzessin. I own your body, heart, and soul." His voice was still reverberating through Amelia's ears, ever helpless and fragile, as he began to transform again into the human she knew and loathed from her era. "Just listen to my voice and you'll drift off into a deadly sleep my dear kleines Fräulein."

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