"I've never taken a picture of anything like this..."

But you can't say for sure.

I asked again.

"Did you smoke?"

"Wait, when I was a freshman in high school... I did a little. ...but I stopped right away. And I never did anything like this. Seriously, why would I do this at school..."

Keun Sejin, whose voice was getting louder and louder, closed his mouth as if he was suffocated. Then he lowered his eyes to the smartphone again.

'You're reading the comments.'

It was obvious that the comments would be terrible. Gold 1 noticed the situation and quickly stopped him.

"Hey, don't look at it. Just turn it off. Turn it off."

"...I have to see it to respond. But... Yes, it's already over."

Keun Sejin put down his smartphone. The hand that put it down was trembling.

"Honestly, even I wouldn't believe myself either. I smoked, but I never took a picture, and if I say that everything except for the cigarettes is a lie... It's not convincing."

As he spoke, Keun Sejin was getting calmer. No, rather than calming down... He had resigned.

"...People won't trust me, right?"


With a picture attached, turning the situation upside down seemed difficult.

Apart from that, Keun Sejin looked upset over being treated unfairly. In addition, the action described in the accusation post was quite different from Keun Sejin's attitude.

'Judging from his personality... Even if he bullies someone, I don't think he's the type who makes them leave a grudge.'

Wouldn't it be possible for him to cleverly manipulate the situation so that they wouldn't even know they were being bullied and made them suffer from their own deeds?

He wasn't the kind of guy that would slander people this way.

But this was also just a guess. We hadn't known each other for a long time, so I couldn't jump to conclusions. Because human beings have many facets.

Aren't there a lot of cases where someone is a trashy condescending boss but is a reliable father to his son?


After thinking for a while, I turned on the smartphone screen again. And I started to read all the accusations against Keun Sejin from the very beginning.

In the meantime, Keun Sejin and the team members began to struggle with despair and sadness.

Keun Sejin murmured in a low voice.

"I... I will resign tomorrow."


"Hey, wait a minute."

"C-C-Calm d-down..."

"I've done enough already. It's true that I smoked... If I keep holding on here, I think the controversy will only grow."

Keun Sejin sounded like he was struggling to keep his voice clear.

"After it subsides a little, I will explain it well, then wouldn't I be able to debut in a year or so? And it's a bit... I really don't remember taking that picture, but it comes out, so it's a bit scary."


Keun Sejin, who always had an inch of leisure left to spare, said that, so the other team members seemed to be unable to be able to say anything.

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