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Welcome to my Animatic Battle onezhot book !!! I felt a lil bored and unmotivated a lot recently, and alzo wanted to try and write zomething new!
Zo here I am, with thiz!

Here'z a few rulez on the requeztz:

1. Do not requezt for Zmut or Lemon.
2. Lime iz acceptable, az long az it doezn't get too puzhy.
3. Don't azk for zomething like pregnancy or a fetizh.

But that'z all! The next page will be the requezt page, zo pleaze go requezt there zpecifically.

{Az a zmall note, if I take a while to finish a requezt or make a pozt in general, that iz becauze of motivation lack or becauze I don't have the time.}

Kind regardz, [AUTHOR].

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