🔵Anything for my lovebug🟣

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Little: Female Karl (Karla)
Caregiver: Quackity
~Quackity's POV~
"Mi amor! It's bath time!" I shout, testing the bubbly water to check the temperature. My little cariña came running in, a smile on her little cheeks. I stand and turn to her. "Arms up amor." I say, watching her stick her arms in the air, her little giggles like music to my ears. I slip her shirt off and undo her bra, looking away. "Alright. Time for the bottoms, lean on papi's shoulders." I say, patting my shoulder while I leaned down. She rests her little hands on my shoulders and steps out of her bottoms, cheerfully walking over to the bathtub and climbing in. She sinks into the water, the bubbles covering her chest. "Alright, let's wash your hair, amor." I say, grabbing the themed glass on the edge of the tub, filling it with water. I used one hand to block her eyes while I used the other to pour the water over her head. She squeals and hunches her shoulders, giggles filling the room. I chuckle and smile. "Sorry mi amor, papi should've warned you." I say softly, thoroughly wetting her hair before grabbing the shampoo and squirting some into my palm. I rub my hands together and carefully start to massage it into her scalp. "Tell you will cariña. If you're good while papi washes you, you can have a candy while papi prepares dinner." "Candy?!" She asks excitedly. "Si. Now behave or no candy." I say softly, rinsing out the shampoo and repeating the process with the conditioner. I leave the conditioner in and wash her body, tickling her little feet when I wash them. "Papi!" She squeals, squirming and splashing bubbles at me. I chuckle and blow them back to her, washing her legs and torso gently. She shudders a bit when I ran the loofah down her back, earning a small smile from me. I rinse her off and let her sit back down, rinsing out the conditioner and handing her the bath toys. "Papi is gonna start the nuggies. Wait here and don't get water out of the tub." I say, standing up and walking out, leaving the door open so I could hear what was going on. I place the nuggets on a greased baking tray and place them in the oven, walking back to the bathroom. I kneel down next to the tub, watching Karla play with her bath toys. I run my fingers through her wet hair, smiling when she drops what she's doing and leans into my touch. "A few more minutes then we gotta get out and all dried so we can eat dinner. Then papi will do your hair and one of your harnesses." I say. She gasps and looks at me. "W-wike a wope harness papi?" She asks. I nod. "I know they help my little cariña feel safe and that's what matters." I say softly. She smiles, hugging me. I chuckled as she effectively soaked my shirt and the floor. "Tank chu papi." She whispers. I smile and kiss her forehead. "Anything for you, amor." I whisper, grabbing a spare towel and wiping the floor, deciding to leave my shirt on, a little water never hurt anyone. "Now, let's get you out before you get all wrinkly." I say, draining the tub and helping her up, drying her mostly before having her step out onto the bath rug. I dry her legs and feet, helping her into her undies and a fresh onesie with a candy pattern on it. I hum softly, walking to the kitchen with Karla behind me. "Do you want Mac and cheese with your nuggies?" I ask softly as she tucked herself under my arm. "Yes pease papi." She says, smiling up at me. I smile and go grab the unicorn boxed mac and cheese, walking to the stove. I grab a pot and fill it with water, putting it on the stove to boil. I turn to my little cariña, using my phone to play some Latin music over our home speaker. "Dance with me cariña." I say, taking her small hands in mine and dancing around the kitchen. I sway my hips and dance with Karla, stepping back and forth as we circled around the kitchen. After a few minutes, I pour the noodles into the boiling water and grab the chicken nuggets from the oven. I mix the cheese packet with some milk and wait for the noodles to cook. "Pick a plate Cariña." I say, gesturing to the cupboard. She turns and stands on her tiptoes, opening the cupboard and grabbing a purple and orange divided plate with fairy print on it. I smile and plate a handful of chicken nuggets into the larger section, straining the noodles and pouring the cheese over them, mixing it in with some butter. I plate some mac and cheese onto the plate, humming softly. I grab a fruit cup from the fridge and set it on the plate. I lead Karla to the table. I pull out her chair and sit her down, placing her plate in front of her. "Eat up, amor." I say, plating my food and sitting down next to her. I eat my food and watch her wiggle in her seat as she ate hers. We soon finished our food and I stood up, taking our plates to the sink and rinsing them. I go into the bathroom and grab the blow dryer along with a couple ponytail holders and a brush. I sit on the couch, plugging the blow dryer into the outlet and pointing to the floor between my legs. "Sit down, please honey." I say. She sits down quickly, leaning back. I smile and turn on the blow dryer, grabbing the brush and slowly drying her beautiful hair. Once her hair was all dry, I started to do two French braids, tying them off with the purple ponytail holders that had little bows on them. "There we go. All pretty!" I say. She turns and looks at me, a cute look on her face. "Tank chu papi." She says, standing up.  "Now, let's put away the blow dryer and brush then we can do a harness." "Otay papi." She says, grabbing the brush and walking to the bathroom. I follow, putting the blow dryer away. I walk to the bedroom and grab the ropes. "Which harness would you like me amor?" I ask softly, pulling out the list. She points to the heartbreak karada. I smile and pull up the instructions on my phone, starting to tie the intricate knots. I hum softly while I work, making the knots tight enough to put a comforting pressure around her while also keeping it loose enough for her not to be uncomfortable. Once I finished, I tested the knots. "How's it feel?" I ask softly. "Good. Tank chu papi." She says, hugging me. I smile and nuzzle her gently. "Anything for my lovebug." I whisper
Word count: 1174

Karlnap/Karlnapity Age regression Where stories live. Discover now