Chapter 25: I don't believe this

Start from the beginning

Elena has been suffering on the inside and no one noticed it. She was always happy, smiling and enjoying her time with everyone. How long has she been feeling like this? How long has she been bottling these emotions inside her?

We finally arrived at their house and I could hear Elena from outside, yelling and crying her lungs out. I didn't bother putting the handbrake on; instead, I ran to their front step and removed my shoes before I entered, then looked at the sight in front of me.

"Bubs." My voice got her distracted and she looked at me. She shook her head at me as if not believing that I was standing in front of her when I was just in Antonio's house a couple minutes ago. "What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I came here for you." My hands are slightly raised in front of me while I am walking towards her. She shook her head in disbelief. "No one does that. No one shows up for you just because." She spat the words bitterly.

"But I did." I said calmly, I looked at the knife in her hand and it was raised towards us while she gripped it tight to her hand. Her knuckles are turning slightly white from the way she's holding it. "I came for you the same way you came for me when I needed someone. You were there for me, I want to be here for you this time,"

I meant every word I said. She was there for me when I had my attack; it's my turn to return the favour.

She continued to shake her head then she sobs even more as if she's remembering some bitter memories. Memories that she just wants to forget but can't.

I looked at Antonio and he looked at me then moved his head to where the knife is and I nodded my head. We need to get the knife away from Elena before she hurts herself and accidentally kills herself. Antonio moved swiftly then took the knife from Elena's hand and I ran towards her hugging her tight.

Once our body made contact - she hugged me tightly - her fists fist my clothes so hard I thought it would rip but I didn't care. She needs this hug more than ever and I am here to give it to her. Elena needs someone to be there for her right now.

She won't admit this but I know she is tired. Mentally and physically tired but won't show any signs because once she does; Elena knows people won't talk to her anymore. That's the life of being a fat girl in this generation.

You turn your back on them, they will pretend you were never acquainted. I know this because I was a fat boy growing up. I was bullied, I had boobs and I would always flick my shirt to stop it from sticking to my belly. I was ugly, crooked teeth with pimples, I knew I was a goner but my sister and my mom helped me have a glow up.

The dietitian told me to stop eating less and go to the gym. I did just that. My sister helped me go to the gym, helped me lose the weight I once had and I became this fit person with muscles, perfect white teeth with the perfect smile and my friends told me I could get any girl I want.

I didn't want that. I wanted to pray for my future wife and I believe she is in my arms, crying her eyes out to me and wanting me to hold her. "Go back to your rooms, we'll handle this." Antonio said, I didn't look up to see any of their reactions but I heard retreating footsteps and doors closing.

"Do you want to sleep?" I whispered into her ear and she nodded against my chest. I patted her thighs and said, "jump." She shook her head while sniffling but I wasn't taking no for an answer. "Elena." I warned her.

She shook her head again and I took this matter into my own hands and bent down then scooped her up and forced her to wrap her legs around my waist. "Don't fight me on this, please."I whispered in her ear and she nodded with her head on my shoulders.

"You didn't have to come." She tiredly said, I walked towards the stairs and she started telling me to put her down but I refused to and continued walking up the stairs to her room where her door is slightly open.

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