Chapter One: Moving

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"I'm sick of you!"

Miracle Mikaelson, the older daughter of Haley Mikaelson and Niklaus Mikaelson. She was also Hope Mikaelson's twin sister. Hope - the golden child who constantly denies that she is the golden child but also acts like the spoiled brat she is and mainly blames her mom, Aunt Freya, Aunt Rebekah, and Uncle Elijah. They would ridicule her, constantly blaming her for whatever goes wrong, or ignore her. Her mother was the worst, she would physically and emotionally abuse her whenever her father wasn't around. Haley didn't want two kids, she only wanted one. So she chose to focus her time on Hope who in her eyes was like her while Miracle was like her father - a monster.

She was glad that there were people who cared for her despite what they said: her dad, Aunt Davina, Uncle Kol, her brother Marcel, her dad's girlfriend who is more like a mother to her than her actual mother, and her best friend Mason Lockwood. 

Today was a day like no other for Miracle. It wasn't surprising that she woke up to her 'wonderful' sister Hope in her room going through her things. "What are you doing in here?" She asked Hope with an angry snarl as she sat up and glared at Hope. Her room was a mess because of Hope! It was a miracle that she didn't wake up sooner. "I'm looking for my Grimoire! I need a spell from it." Hope responded, not bothering to look at her as she continued to look.

"Do you mean my Grimoire? The only one you haven't taken yet?!" Miracle demanded angrily as she stood up abruptly and made her way to where Hope was standing. Hope scoffed and finally turned to face Miracle. "All the grimoires are mine remember? Aunt Freya got them for me!" Hope glared as she moved so that she was now in Miracle's face. 

"NO! They were given to me by Aunt Davina but you went and cried to that whore you call a mother and she forced me to give you them!" Miracle yelled back. They went back and forth before Haley and Rebekah stormed into the room demanding to know what was happening.

"I only wanted to borrow her Grimoire," Hope told them in a pathetic tone, making both Rebekah and Haley glare at Miracle. "Stop being selfish and give her the damn book!" Rebekah told her harshly. 'I didn't raise you to be so selfish that you cannot share with your sister!" Haley spoke with a nasty glare and her arms crossed over her chest. It seemed like that was how she always stood in Miracle's eyes. 

"You didn't raise me at all! You raised Hope to be the selfish little bitch that she is!" Miracle yelled before shoving them all out with magic, she furiously grabbed the doorknob before snarling at them and slamming the door in their faces before locking it and casting a spell so that it wouldn't be broken down by their strength nor could Freya use magic on it. While both of them banged on the door demanding her to open it, she turned on music loudly to drown them out while she cleaned her room with magic. 

A few hours later she was on the phone with the few friends she had: Mason, Rosalie Hale, and Emmett Cullen. Rosalie and Emmett were a married couple that she met while they were on vacation here in New Orleans. They were cold ones,  she hadn't met too many of them but in Miracle's opinion they were simply disco versions of vampires with holier-than-thou attitudes because they have 'special gifts' but, Emmett and Rosalie were sweet and great friends.

"Why don't you come to Forks? God knows we could use some fresh faces around here. Someone that me and Emmett want to be around more than a couple of minutes without wanting to take their heads off." Rosalie asked while Emmett chuckled beside her, knowing exactly who she was talking about. It was only her and Emmett in the house. She said their family was out with Edward's bitch of a wife and daughter. Miracle wondered if they were as bad as they made them seem but she would take their word for it.

"I've been telling her for ages we should leave New Orleans!" Mason shouted excitedly. Like her, his family did not treat him well but unlike her, he was ready to leave and never look back. "I don't know..." Miracle trailed off hesitantly. "SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES!" Mason and Emmett chanted excitedly. Miracle playfully rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay. We're going to Forks!" She said before laughing softly when she heard not only them but also Rosalie cheer. They spoke a while more while she and Mason packed before she left leaving everyone's letters in the dining room. She couldn't speak to the few who were nice to her after all it would hurt too much and she was afraid they would try to talk her out of leaving.

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