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Taufan: Point at Gempa "Dis a mama"

Taufan: Point at Halilintar "Dis a Tsundere"

Taufan: Point at Blaze "Dis a hyper"

Taufan: Point at Ais "Dis a sleepyhead"

Taufan: Point at Solar "Dis a narcist"

Taufan: Point at Duri "Dis a Baby"

Taufan: Point at himself "Dis-a-pointment"

Gempa: "You need therapy"

Taufan: "I don't need that"

Hali: "I think it's better if we got him a exorcist"

Gempa: "His not being possess"

Duri: "Actually, I think we should get both"

Blaze: "I agree"

Solar: "Should I call them now or before it's to late"

Hali: "Call them now"


Taufan: "I hate when Beliung take over my thoughts"

Taufan(Beliung) : "Look at this Machete i just bought. Six people in the house, they are all dying, I put gasoline in the air fryer"

Taufan: "See what mean"

Exorcist: "Holy water"

Taufan(Beliung): "Your mom"

Duri: Hits Taufan on the head with a frying pan

Gempa: "Why did you hit him with a frying pan"

Hali: "I think that a better solution"

Therapist&Exorcist: "We are leaving"

Hali: "Solar can you make a potion for that"

Solar: "I try but it will take to long"

Gempa: "Don't worry, we have Duri and Blaze to knock Taufan to his senses if he will turn to Beliung again"

Ais: "Ok just feed him YaYa's Cookies"

Duri: "I thought Taufan is immune to YaYa's Cookies"

Ais: "Ooh, your right, will we stuck with hitting him with a frying pan then"

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