Chapter Twenty-One

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Unlike the other times I'd led my people into a fight, my heart was racing in my chest as I walked through the trees with my group members beside and behind me. I was used to going into fights with nothing to lose and no qualms about if I was the stronger wolf. This time, I still wasn't one hundred percent sure we were going to win, even with all the preparation and planning I'd done.

I could hear yelling coming from up ahead, and assumed the pack knew we were here. I hoped they didn't know how many of us were here, because the element of surprise was a big part of my plan.

"Assume formation!" I hear being yelled from ahead. Yeah, they were definitely preparing for our attack.

We break through the trees, standing on top of the hill we had first snuck in on to survey the pack. I glare down at the line of wolves and men standing outside the gate that surrounded the Alpha's mansion. I slid down the hill, Nate following close behind and the rest of the group jumping to the ground below instead. We move closer to the line of ready wolves, everyone forming a loose half circle around Nate and I. 

"STOP!" I can feel my wolf growling inside my chest at the sight of the man with the blue hair streak who had previously handled Cleo like a prisoner. He was on my shit list. "You will not take our Luna from us!" I growl out loud this time at these words, and I hear Nate cackling from beside me. We stop walking, and I can feel the tense energy radiating off of Levi, who is close to my left, and Willow, who is at my right. They're both crouch, eyes darting everywhere as they take in their surroundings. I wonder what kind of plan they were cooking up.

"This isn't like last time, bud." Nate steps forward past me, grinning at the man who stood directly in front of the gate with a challenge in his eyes. Clearly, this man was also on Nate's shit list, because the orange headed panther was currently staring him down like he was dinner.

Funny, because that had been just how that man had looked at Cleo those many days ago.

"This time, I'm going to personally fuck you up." I roll my eyes a little as Nate rolls up his sleeves.

"Wait-" I reach forward quickly when I see blue streak reaching for a gun his waist band, a gun loaded with a syringe of liquid. That was our biggest enemy today.

"Go ahead, bitch. Shoot me!" Nate has both arms out now, walking towards the line of men with way too much confidence.
I shake my head but let him live out his fantasy. I had my own murder I was planning on dragging out with Charlie, so it was only fair to let him play out his own.

I still flinch when blue streak pulls the trigger, and the syringe spirals through the air right at Nate.

"Nope." He grins, and in the blink of an eye, has grabbed the vial from the air and smashed it in his hand. I can feel unease in the line of shifters in front of us, even though there are three times as many of them as there are of us.

And so far, Nate is the only one making them uncomfortable.

"Do not let them pass!" Blue streak calls to the other shifters. They nod, and close in a little tighter, each pulling guns from their pants.

Nate throws his head back and laughs. Why does he insist on acting like an evil villain? It was so unnerving.

They begin firing, and I think my jaw might drop a little at how fast Nate knocks the vials away or grabs them and throws them to the ground.
"You'll have to try a lot harder than that!" He boasts, grinning at them. "You only got me the first time because my guard was down, you slimy little fuck." He's zeroed in on blue streak now, who is definitely feeling the pressure.

But despite the sweat dripping down his brow, he's not folding.

"Should we do something to help?" I hear Levi muttering from behind me.

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