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I'm sorry for the updates at random times, but I'm off school, so they just get put up whenever I have chance. Also, I'm going on holiday on Saturday, so I probably won't update then, and I come back on Thursday (My birthday) and a few days after that I might be too busy to do writing as well. But I hope you enjoy this!


The next morning, I set off early for Nottingham. I had a bag of clothes in the boot of my car, along with my guitar. I couldn't wait to see Ricky again. They had a day off tomorrow, so I was staying with him for a bit.

The five didn't seem to take too long, and soon I was at the back entrance to the arena. I knew where Ricky would be, so I walked straight in. I was surprised that the security on the door knew who I was, but then again, it would be embarrassing to everyone if they didn't. I walked through the maze of corridors to a room, where I could hear him laughing inside. He didn't know I was here yet, and I wanted to surprise him. I had text Simon last night to tell him what time I was coming to check that it was okay, and to check where I had to go.

I looked through the small window in the door, and saw that Ricky had his back to it. Simon noticed me, and I put my finger to my lips so he would keep quiet. Then I opened the door quietly, thankful that it wasn't squeaky.

'So, are we doing My Life then, or not? It's a bit last minute to change it.' Ricky said to Simon, not noticing I had walked in.

I slowly walked up behind him.

'Well, all I'm saying is we could replace it with Misery Company.' Simon said. 'It gets people going more.'

Ricky shrugged. 'But I like My Life.' he said, like a stroppy little kid, making all of the guys laugh.

I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, and went onto my tiptoes to put my chin on his shoulder. 'I like your life too.' I said.

Ricky smiled and bit his lip. I loved it when he did that.

'Smooth.' Vijay said, laughing. I shot him a jokingly evil look.

'What are you doing here this early?' Ricky asked.

'Nice to see you Haze, I love you too.' I said back, laughing. It was hard to stop smiling around Ricky.

Ricky quickly kissed me. 'I love you too.' He mimicked.

'Let's take a break and leave the two strange people alone.' Whitey said, walking out, and the others followed.

Ricky smiled at me, and hugged onto me. He was warm, and I hadn't realised how much I had missed it.

'What time is the rest of your lot coming? He asked. He was meaning the band.

'Around twelve.' I said. I wasn't sure.

'Want to go for a run first?' Ricky asked.

I had actually packed my running things for the next morning, and it had been ages since I had been for a run. 'As long as you don't go too fast.' I said and Ricky laughed. He was actually a really fast runner, and I usually found it hard to keep up with him.

'Agreed.' He laughed.

I grabbed my bag from my car and took it into the changing rooms, and quickly got changed. I put my phone into its armband case, and opened my fitness app, then strapped it only my arm. I plugged my headphones in, and put one in one ear, and left the other one out so I could still talk to Ricky.

'How many different coloured phone bands do you have?' Ricky asked, laughing. Today I had a bright blue one with me, because it matched the blue areas on my leggings.

'Four.' I said quietly. To be fair, one band was old, and it was wrecked so I never wore it, and then one of my other ones was bought for me. It wasn't completely my fault that I had so many. Ricky sighed. 'Women,' He said and laughed. 'Ready to go?'

'Sure.' I said, and we walked through the building to the front. Thankfully, it was still early, so there was only the odd shopper around, and a few people on their way to work. Plus, with it being a Wednesday, most kids were at school.

We started off slowly jogging, because we were going uphill.

'Anyway,' Ricky said. 'You haven't wrecked the house have you?'

'Well, theres a bit of it left.' I joked. 'I mean, the last party did demolish the kitchen.'

Ricky laughed. 'Who would you have to party with?' He said.

'Oi!' I shouted, shoving him.

Ricky laughed.

Running cleared my mind of everything, and it helped me think straight. It also helped to stop me from feeling nervous. What was the worst that could happen tonight? If I messed up, I could just keep going. I couldn't let messing up spoil the whole night for me. And who's to say I would go wrong?

I looked ahead, and saw someone with a camera. Great.

'Ricky,' I said, warning him.

Ricky looked up and saw him, then sighed. 'We could always give them what they want.' He said, slowing down.

'Wha--' I began, but before I could finish, Ricky swept me in dpfront of him, his hands around my waist, and pulled me in and kissed me. It was the kind of kiss that felt too private to be in front of anyone. It was the kind of kiss that made me forget were I was, and made it feel like me and Ricky were the only people on this earth.

Ricky broke off, smiling, but his arms still around my waist.

'Encore for that performance?' I said cheekily, smiling at Ricky. Our faces were still close, he hadn't moved at all.

I moved in and kissed Ricky again. I could see the flashes of the camera from the corner of my eye. I didn't know why Ricky suddenly wanted the press to see that we were serious, because we had always avoided doing anything in front of them before.

'Happy?' He said, smiling.

'Of course.' I replied.

Ricky grabbed my hand, and we began walking. The photographer turned and walked off without saying anything. We knew those photos would be everywhere tomorrow.

We began running again after a bit. It seemed strange to be back in Nottingham. I knew all of the streets off by heart, and knew the places to avoid when you're running. There's some parts you really don't want to go anywhere near.

The last time the Kaisers performed here, I went to see them. I had such a good time. It was my first concert, and it was amazing. And it was while I had a crush on Ricky, so I loved it even more. Now, almost two years later, I was back.

Ricky was running ahead as usual, because I was slower than him. I ran faster to catch up with him.

'How do you know your way around here?' I asked him. He was making his way through the streets as 

if he was used to them.

'I have a good memory.' Ricky said.

'So you've run here before?' I asked. That would be the only explanation.

'When I was last here, I went out for a run before the show.' He replied.

Jesus. Ricky had been out running in Nottingham when I had been there to see the band, and I had't even known. But then again, I think if I'd have known I would have tried to find him, which would've been more awkward.

We made it back around to the arena.

'Let's get ready.' Ricky said, smiling. 'I can't wait to hear you sing again.'

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