Chapter 3: Natsu Versus... Natsu?!

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Natsu narrowed his eyes, clearly as confused as Makura and I. Why would this man follow us just to meet Natsu? "I don't know why you wanted to meet me, pal, but honestly, I don't care" Natsu replied. "I don't know you, but if what you are looking for is a fight, I am down to it!! I am getting...!"

"Let me guess... You are getting fired up... Is that the line?" Natsu widened his look, the man grabbing his long robes tightly, smirking evily. I could sense the pressure that he was letting out just by standing there. "Doesn't ring a bell yet? Very well... Allow me to show you" In a swift move, the stranger ripped his long robes, tossing them out of the way as his full appearance was revealed. To our suprise, he had the face of...

"Natsu?" I muttered in awe, staring at the stranger who wasn't really a stranger anymore. That's right. This man was another variant of Natsu. Pink spiky hair... Mean-looking eyes... Nonetheless, something about him was unique. His hands... His face... His torso... Great part of his body was covered in black marks! I saw those marks before lots of times. They were Demonic marks... Wait a sec... Don't tell me... "You... You aren't really Natsu, are you?"

"How perceptive... You are right, lightblue guy. While my body is that of the Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel, I stopped calling myself like that a long time ago" The man with Natsu's face smirked maniacally, his eyes glowing in a red tone as the black marks spread further around his body. He then glared at the pinkette in a threatening way. I... I think I know where this was going. "Hehe! In my world, I took a different path! Unlike you... who chose to remain as a pathetic human wielding dragon magic...! I accepted my TRUE SELF!"

"Kgh! Are you saying that...?" Natsu muttered, but the other evil Natsu interrupted.

"That's right! I am not Natsu Dragneel anymore! From now on..."




" me E.N.D!!!


Natsu POV

Some time ago, I had to make a choice... The battle against the Alvarez Empire was still going on, but much to my frustration, I was unable to help for a while. I was in some sort of coma, fighting for my life while my friends tried to help me however they could. To them, I simply woke up from my coma, finding myself embraced by Happy and Lucy, but the truth is more complex than that.

While I was asleep, I saw Igneel. I talked to him, and he gave me 2 options. To accept my DEMON self... or to acknowledge my DRAGON side... In the end, I created a third option... I AM A HUMAN! That is what I told Igneel, and he grinned proudly at such answer. I never even thought of what could've happened had I taken another choice, but now... things were different. Right in front of me, was the answer to my question: A version of me who became a demon.

"Tch! How stupid... You really accepted that power? Just like that?" I asked in anger.

"Stupid?" replied E.N.D. "If anyone here is stupid, that's you. After all, you got stuck to your weak self instead of becoming stronger"

"I don't need that kind of power. My dragon magic has been, and will always be the best"

"Heheh... Only an idiot would think that. Any magic powered up by demon curses becomes way stronger, but..." My variant closed his eyes briefly, only to open them up again in a bang! "I guess you are just not ready to accept that!" Suddenly, he inhaled as much air as he could, his lungs inflating until he released it all in a scorching blast. "DEMONIC FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!!!"

Into the Fairy-Verse: A Fairy Tail Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن