Jiang Yu ate a bowl of porridge and one-third of the fried eggs, then put down the bowl.

"Wife, you haven't eaten enough. Why don't you eat some porridge? Is the food I made not delicious? Isn't it to your liking? Then you can get something from the space that suits your appetite and eat it."

Jiang Yu shook her head, "I'm lying on the bed. I feel too full and feel uncomfortable. Didn't Sister Jiang say to eat less and more meals? You should eat quickly, it's almost cold."

"Oh fine!"

Chu Xiao ate too fast. Jiang Yu watched him finish one bowl in two gulps, then drank four bowls before eating with the piece of fried egg. It took less than two minutes in total, "Why are you eating so fast? "

Chu Xiao said while cleaning up, "This has become a habit. Wife, please rest for a while while I go to the kitchen to clean up and see if there is anything wrong with my parents when they come over."

"Well, you go about your business and don't worry about me. I'll take care of you if you can."


When Chu Xiao came out, Ai Lan and the others had almost finished eating, "Mom and Dad, please wait for me first. I'll pack up and come back."

After Mr. Chu finished packing, he came out and sat next to Minglan "Mom and Dad, why did you come here so early? Did the Song family come to the door?"

Old Man Chu: "Your mother didn't sleep well last night. She was worried about you. She came over early at dawn. You don't have to worry about the Song family. Your eldest brother will be waiting for them at home today. , the current base, they can't dig out any Langcheng."

"Well, with my wife here, they don't dare to do anything. At most, they just want to take advantage of it because of Old Man Song.

Dad, are modern food shortages that serious? Why do you eat instant noodles in the morning? Cooking some porridge is better than instant noodles! You and mom are so old, how can you bear to eat instant noodles? "

Mr. Chu leaned on the sofa and sighed, "We don't have many supplies. The hydroponic crops have just started to show up, and the temperature suddenly dropped again. All the heating systems were used there, but it is still only a few degrees, let alone the staple food. Crops have been harvested, and even the growth of vegetables has been greatly restricted. There is no danger now. Everyone's portions have been reduced. If there is a danger, you must eat enough."

In the bedroom, Jiang Yu let go of her consciousness and naturally heard the conversation in the living room. She continued to release her consciousness, and her brows furrowed more and more as she watched. She saw several members of the family huddled together and wrapped in a quilt. It was dead, but I could still see that the people inside were shaking.

There was also a family where a child was crying from hunger. The adult's eyes were red and he carefully took out an open pack of instant noodles. The instant noodles inside were kneaded into pieces. The adult pinched them with three fingers and carefully placed them on the child. Not a bit of it spilled out of his mouth, and then he tied up the pocket of instant noodles tightly. Jiang Yu felt sad to see the longing in the child's eyes, and thought for a moment, if that was his own child, he I must be heartbroken to death

Jiang Yu continued to spread his consciousness, and saw not just one family, but more than 90% of the people at the bottom were shivering from the cold and had not eaten. It seemed that the elders were carrying them when they were sick. Seeing their rough hands, Just know that they are not lazy people

Jiang Yu continued to extend his consciousness to the army. The usually tough-minded men, except for those standing guard and patrolling, were huddled together in groups, warming each other, and some were telling stories. , talking about the delicacies they had eaten, as if looking at plum blossoms to quench their thirst, some were shivering, shivering from the cold, and their teeth were chattering.

The apocalypse has just come back from the world of cultivating immortalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora