Chapter 02: The auditon

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January 4rth,2021

Today was the day of my auditon, I was auditioning for Source music to become a trainee.

I had worked hard for the past few years, going for vocal classes,dance classes every day.

Even when I had a fever or a cold, I still went to practice because that's how passionate I was about my dream.

I had spent countless hours of preparing and building the confidence that I needed to go on that stage.

As I arrived at the audition venue, my heart raced with excitement and apprehension. The bustling energy of fellow auditionees added to the atmosphere, each of us chasing the same dream in our own unique way.

Na-ra stood by my side, a constant source of support and encouragement.

"You've got this, Garam! Show them what you're made of," she whispered, a reassuring smile on her lips.

"Yes Garam! We all know that you can do it! Don't get nervous and just imagine that we are the ones watching you and not the judges" said Ji-eun her eyes twinkling

"KIM GA-RAM, KIM GA-RAM, KIM GA-RAM, KIM GA-RAM" they all chanted in unison.

"Stop it guys, you're embarrassing me!" I said blushing seeing other people staring at us like we were crazy.

"Ouch, that hurt" said Ha-ram playfully putting a hurt expression.

"Kim Garam, please proceed inside" said a staff before I could respond to Ha-ram.

I hugged all my friends and thanked them for their wishes.

With a deep breath, I stepped into the audition room, the spotlight casting a warm glow around me. The judges' eyes were focused, assessing every aspect of my performance.

I sang with passion, pouring my heart and soul into each note. The music flowed through me, carrying the emotions and determination that had brought me to this moment.

Dancing came next, my body moving in sync with the rhythm, expressing the story behind the music. Every step was a testament to the years of hard work and dedication I had put in.

After my performance, the judges asked questions, wanting to know more about my journey and aspirations.

"What drives your passion for music?" they inquired.

"My love for music is a fire that burns within me," I replied, my voice filled with conviction.

"It's where I find my voice, my purpose, and my identity."

Their nods of understanding spurred me on.

"What sets you apart from other aspiring idols?" they probed further.

"I may not have the most experience, but I have a hunger to learn and grow. My determination and resilience are what define me," I answered, meeting their gaze with unwavering confidence.

Leaving the audition room, a wave of emotions washed over me.

Relief, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment filled my heart. This was just the beginning of my journey, but I had taken the first step towards my dream.

The first stepping stone towards my future.

The wait for the results felt like an eternity, each day filled with anticipation and hope. But when the news finally came, confirming my acceptance into the company.

I felt so happy. Words couldn't describe it. I had just completed the base of my foundation.

The first person I told this news to was my mother.

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