Chapter 56 - Banishment

Start from the beginning

The exile was set in an empty arena for a reason.

"You got it all wrong." A familiar voice came from the balcony, behind the CEO. Naomi's pure euphoria had washed off as she finally rested her eyes on the person who belonged to the deep, velvety tone.

Felicia walked out to make herself visible from the darkness behind her,  sunset eyes narrowing down at the kneeled healer as she placed a hand on Sylvia's shoulder. She had her formal duty outfit for this ceremony, the white jacket, and vest with the fitted ribbon.

Naomi's heart seemed to crack, a small crack on the edge of her emotions. Why was Felicia there with the CEO? Was she on her side? No, that couldn't be, could it? She and Naomi had always been like sisters, with Felicia always looking out for her. Surely, Felicia must have come to help her, right? Her eyes must be deceiving, right?

"Felicity? Please tell them that I was right. You saw it!" Begged Naomi.

"No." One word breaks all.

"Huh?" The healer wished that it was the opposite, she wished the creator said the opposite. "What are you doing?" She whispered, the tears already streaking down her face.

"Tell them what, exactly?" Head fixated on the healer, tilting in a disbelieving manner. "You used my ability, my power of creation as a sample for your potions?" The creator's voice rang out through the arena, unhindered by her lack of volume.

"Felicity I-"

"Without my consent?!" Her lips curled, and her eyes glimmered with angry fire, her voice harsh and biting. "I've told you to stop!"

Naomi felt a sharp pang in her chest as she reflected on her words. She had acted thoughtlessly, failing to consider how her best friend would feel. Her preoccupation with work had caused her to neglect the boundaries, boundaries of their friendship. Her mind flashed back to the moments when Felicia told her to not get worked up, but she didn't listen. She should've listened.

"Felicity, I'm sorry-" The healer choked on her words, trying to apologize.

"Why haven't you considered my feelings?! Do you even care?! What will happen when the Potion of Creation is made and everyone is fighting over it? They won't see your other options. All they want is this creation!" Felicia erupted, scolding the purple-haired girl with her wrath. "They want my powers! And what do you think would happen to me?! What is my purpose after that?!"

Tears soaking on her kimono robe, her cuffed hands couldn't wipe them away. "I'm sorry... Please... Give me a second chance." She looked up to her, helplessly begging to be redeemed.

Hearing her apology gave her a thought. 

Felicia's heart went out to her assistant, who was more than that - they were close friends. Despite her desire to help, Felicia hesitated, knowing that repeating her assistant's work could have unintended consequences. The last thing she wanted was to inadvertently cause more harm than good. She was torn between two decisions.

"There is no second chance." Sylvia sneered. "You've already broken the rules. You're a threat."

"Felicia, please! I regret it! I'll throw away my work! I get rid of the samples I swear!" Naomi cried as the guards grabbed her to stand. She didn't bother to give her attention to the CEO or the guards, all she cared for was Felicia to be her savior. "Let go of me!" She yelled as she tried to escape the guards' harsh grip on her arms,

As Felicia's gaze fell upon the scene before her, golden eyes widened in surprise and concern. The trouble healer waiting for her exhilaration in distress. Her words tugged at Felicia's heartstrings.

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