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Chapter 16

"So, you got any weekend plans?" Tucker asked, huskily, as he and Rory strolled slowly towards the parking lot, having been on a dinner-and-a movie date in Hartford that evening. It was a pleasant, warm, spring night.

"Kind of," Rory replied, less excitedly, her fingers linking onto his, casually - not for the first time.

It was Wednesday night, and things had calmed down for Rory since that weekend. A tragedy had happened and it was being dealt with. There was no other way than forward when something like this happened. But then again, it was a lot easier for her to move on than to the others involved, who'd been closer to Liz and TJ, especially Doula and Jess.

"A hot date maybe?" Tucker teased, hopefully, his intentions being clear that he intended to keep Rory's social calendar occupied for the foreseeable future.

They were not close to calling themselves committed or anything, and they were yet to explore the bedroom side of the relationship. But as far as admitting that they did like each other, it had become pretty evident they were also enjoying each other's company.

"Uh... um... - I wish," Rory hesitated, feeling truly sorry to disappoint him. More than anything Tucker's company was the very best distraction from everything else in her life. She'd barely thought about Logan, or what he was doing, all week, the stroller she'd gotten having so far been the last she'd heard from him.

"We could go check out that new exhibition you were talking about earlier," Tucker suggested. It was almost too stereotypical of him to suggest that, though Rory had genuinely admitted to wanting to go one of these days. The exhibition in question was in the City, and that would've probably involved an overnight stay. The third date was the 'good' time to take that step, in theory - or so Carrie Bradshaw taught Rory, growing up.

"Actually... I'm going to a funeral on Sunday. I promised to help out with the arrangements," Rory exhaled, having until now kept discussions of the recent deaths in the family to a minimum around him. All he knew was that there'd been an accident in the family that had kept Rory busy the weekend before.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize the accident involved someone close," Tucker apologized, sounding a little surprised.

"It didn't. Or technically it didn't, at least. But they were a part of my mom's husband's family, and I am good friends with the deceased's son, too. Basically, I'm just helping my mom out. We both care about the people close to them and want to make it easier on them however we can," Rory explained.

"You should've told me. Here I am dragging you out to watch some silly rom-com," Tucker replied.

The choice of movie had indeed been a little underwhelming, both kind of tiptoeing to find a nice balance. Rory knew by now that not everyone enjoyed bad movies or tolerated ruthless mocking during movie watching. Hence, this had been very far from the way she and her mother usually watched anything.

"It was fine. I had a great time," Rory reflected, feeling like it was her turn to say it.

"If you want, I could accompany you to the funeral. Not that I'd want to impose or anything, but just - in case you need support?" Tucker offered, not sounding too sure of himself.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to," Rory replied, feeling like they weren't really in that stage yet to have to face dozens of introductions during a day when other people's mourning took priority.

Besides, Rory wasn't entirely sure if she wanted Jess to meet Tucker yet, half expecting him to not like him for some reason. Tucker was a bit like Paul, even though much less needy, a bit too much of an econ nerd as Rory could picture Jess calling him. He was eager to please and a little unconfident sometimes. But he was kind hearted, well-read and polite. She didn't like herself second guessing Tucker because of what she thought someone else would think about him. She knew it was flawed thinking, too, but that didn't stop her brain from overthinking things. Jess was not thinking about her dating life at all, having major other issues in his life right now. The rational part of her knew that. Rory scolded herself for even considering Jess would care under the circumstances, finding yet another piece of evidence of her own self-centeredness. She recognized also how having in the past week spent more time with Jess her fear of judgment was shifting from one ex-boyfriend to another. Another example of her flawed thinking. Now the question was - whether thinking this was simple self-reflection or the beginnings of a new form of depression.

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