Chapter 71: The Holy Sword Blackens!

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Chapter 71: The Holy Sword Blackens!


The most powerful Noble Phantasm of the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon, is said to be the holy sword symbolizing the supreme might and honor of King Arthur and stands at the top among holy swords.

Exuding a golden sacred aura, it inspires an overwhelming sense of nobility.

Ordinary mortals are simply not qualified to lay a finger on a sword like this.


However, the moment Ethan made contact with Excalibur, the once-sacred golden radiance vanished without a trace, replaced by an impenetrable darkness.

The original gold and blue hues had also transformed into black and red.

The previously sacred holy sword had been transformed into a profound demonic blade, revealing the new nature of the sword Ethan now held.

[Excalibur Morgan: Sword of Promised Victory]

Though there were slight differences in color and appearance, it was still undeniably another side of Excalibur.

Just as the fairies of the Lake, Viviane and Morgana, can coexist as polar opposites embodying good and evil, Excalibur can also hold a dual existence of good and evil.

Excalibur Morgan no longer restrains its own magical power.

If you swing this corrupted holy sword with all your strength, the magical particles are no longer holy light but become the darkness that devours light instead.


Staring at the Excalibur in his hand, Ethan couldn't help but be speechless.

He had just been overjoyed at obtaining the 'light saber' of the King of Knights, but in the blink of an eye, it had turned pitch black.

However, after some reflection, he felt it was natural.

Given his own status as the bearer of 'All the Evil of the World', the Excalibur bound to him would inevitably blacken, mirroring the fate of the blackened King of Knights who had fallen into the black mud.

Yet, as he held this sword, Ethan could clearly sense the terrifying power it contained.

Excalibur is a "sword that amplifies," converting its user's magical energy into offensive power and releasing it.

The extent of this amplification surpassed everyone's wildest imagination.

Also, as an 'Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm,' it naturally possessed the destructive power to 'demolish a fortress with a single blow.'

Back when Ethan watched 'Fate' anime, the King of Knights' battle prowess after blackening had been on a completely different level than when she was not blackened.

It was like the difference between a floor boss and a simple monster.

Sure enough, the rule 'blackening makes three times stronger, whitening makes seven times weaker' is an eternal truth.


The next second, the Excalibur in Ethan's hand vanished into thin air.

Unlike ordinary weapons, Noble Phantasms had no fixed physical form.

They would materialize according to the wielder's will, which was incredibly convenient and there was no need to worry about wear and tear.

Ethan was so excited at this moment that he had completely forgotten about the other reward he had received, 'Gem Magic'.

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