Elio smiled gently. "Please, Giorno. There is something I need you to see. Trust me, just this once?" Intrigued despite himself, Giorno sighed and agreed to her mysterious plan for the evening.

Elio released Giorno's arm gently as she placed her hands on the gear shift. "Because after this, I won't have any free time for the whole month. Please let me tell you about the surprise tonight," she explained seriously.

Giorno's eyes widened a fraction in surprise as he relaxed his sulky posture. Pulled back into the car fully, he closed the door and sighed. "Alright, fine. For the sake of ending this curiosity already, I'll go along with it," he conceded.

Elio smirked softly, her relief evident. "Great." She gripped the gear shift playfully and turned her focus forward once more. "Buckle up - our adventure awaits."

Intrigue overpowered irritation as Giorno did as told, gazing out the windshield into the night with anticipation. Whatever secret Elio held, he trusted it would be worth the wait to uncover together under the moonlight.

Giorno quirked a curious eyebrow at Elio's playfulness. It was typical of her lighthearted nature, but beneath the easy banter he sensed notes of sincerity. Something more meaningful hid beneath her jest. 

As they fastened their seatbelts in unison, Elio guided the car down unfamiliar roads under veils of night. Giorno took in the city lights with appreciation, glad to admire his homeland once more after time away. Yet his mind couldn't help but wander eagerly to their destination.

Turning from the window, Giorno studied Elio's gentle profile, seeing beyond her carefree smile. "So are you going to finally tell me where we're headed?" he asked, hoping his own teasing tone disguised the anticipation threading his words. Wherever this surprise led, going there with Elio felt right – he just hoped she was ready to unveil what brought such joy, and vulnerability, to her eyes.

Elio briefly met his eyes with a gentle smile before refocusing on the road. "All in good time," she reassured mysteriously. "For now, it's our little secret."

Giorno let out an exaggerated sigh. "Everything is a secret with you," he started to retort - but his words caught in his throat as Elio pulled over abruptly. Without warning, something soft and opaque was secured over his eyes. "What are you-"

"Trust me," Elio soothed, giving his hand a light squeeze. Confusion and anticipation swirled within Giorno as the car resumed, leaving him blind to their surroundings but not to Elio's caring presence by his side. Whatever awaited, he knew he was safe going there with her.

Elio smirked to herself as she deftly secured the blindfold over Giorno's eyes. "I suppose you'll find out all in good time," she teased playfully.

Removing the key from the ignition, Elio exited and walked around to guide Giorno. As the passenger door opened, she offered her hand. "Come with me."

Giorno took hold of Elio's steady hand and stepped outside tentatively. "Are we here already? It felt quick."

"Time flies when you're enjoying the scenery," Elio replied softly. Keeping her touch light yet grounding, she led him forward through the darkness. "Just a little further. Trust that I'll keep you safe."

Intrigue and nerves churned within Giorno as he followed Elio's lead blindly into the unknown. But with her comforting presence to guide him, he let go of doubts and placed his full faith in wherever their path may lead.

Giorno followed Elio's lead tentatively, still blinded by the blindfold. A hint of irritation clung to his tone. "Where are you taking me already? And don't say 'it's a secret'!"

Elio laughed gently. "Alright, I'll keep my mouth shut about secrets." She said no more, letting the suspense build as they walked.

Giorno groaned. "You didn't say the words exactly, but I know that's what you meant. Same difference!" Despite his annoyance, curiosity and intrigue overwhelmed any real frustration. Elio's cryptic responses only piqued his interest further in what surprise awaited at their destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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