Arc III. Chapter 59

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Hair painted in black as they wear both an eye masks, they wore merchant clothes in disguise as they walk side by side in the capital. Commoners and even nobles oblivious of their presence. Treating them casually as they venture around the capital from playing games along the commoner children, joining the gambling game on the street and stopping over to eat meals on the restaurant as a merchant traveling customer. They enjoyed their day together without worrying about social status. Azule held on Marcus hand tightly as the night falls. The streets became more alive with the laterns lighting up. People around became busier but then a loud roar resulted with people running away from the plaza as they both stand still in their place. Marcus immediately took his hand off from Azule.

The man got off the dragon, The man who everyone in the Empire respects second to the Emperor. The first prince.

Prince Azure knew his younger brother well even with his chosen disguise. "I'm sure you wouldn't miss dinner at the palace now that I'm back?"

Prince Azule beams a smile as if like a child. "You didn't sent a letter for this early return, imperial elder brother."

Prince Azure chuckles. "I was hoping to surprise you. Imperial father has sent letters to me about you being more livelier."

Prince Azule then turns to place his arm on Marcus shoulders. "Meet lieutenant Marcus, a distant relative of ours. He became a good friend of mine just a month ago."

Prince Azure raised a brow but nonetheless gave Marcus a brief nod.

Marcus was about to kneel yet the youngest stops him and tells his elder brother. "A soldier in the Empire is a comrade of my imperial elder brother in the battlefield as he is a general."

Prince Azure smirks. "I supposed. I understand now."

Prince Azule took off the eye mask and sighs. "Privacy is what we need as he is my friend."

Prince Azure chuckles. "My dear youngest brother. I understand." He turns his attention back to Marcus. "Pleasure to meet you lieutenant."

Prince Azule waves off. "Marcus is delighted as well, now we must hurry back home. Zryan is interrupting this evening for the people to enjoy."

Prince Azure can't help but smile as he let his youngest brother drag along Marcus to ride on Zryan.

Prince Azule walks inside his elder brother's room not even bothering to knock as the eunuch pretty much didn't waste to announce his presence as this was a common situation but only for the youngest such condition is allowed.

The doors closes as he approaches his elder brother who was alone in his bedroom reading some scrolls on the couch. He took a sit beside him and says. "No one must know of my relationship with Marcus apart from you only."

Azure nods he puts away the scrolls and turns to look at his youngest brother. "How about him?"

"He has kept our relationship from everyone even from his own only living family that is his... sister. Marcus intends to be such a loyal lover to give anything I demand..." He sighs. "I want him to demand more things from me but he only asks for me to protect his sister..."

"From what I can see, He seems a good fit for you." Azure commented. "He brings out the best in you... from father's letter about your improvement from such occurrence."

Azule fondly stares at the fireplace. "Marcus is too strong, too wise and so much more even he is a year younger than I... that is why... I want him to see I am worthy of him as well... I'm not just a Prince..."

Azure chuckles. "From what the words your speaking... I can sense your emotions are more stronger this time."

Azule smirks. "If I'd be wedded to Marcus, will you give us your blessing?"

Yes, You're Majesty [BL]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن