Rex Lapis's Dead!?

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"Wait- We came all the way just to find out that he's dead!?"


Wait- Let's just move a few hours back. This isn't in the right order.


We entered the Harbor, and it was breathtaking.

A city of soaring pagodas painted in fiery reds and golds, clinging to the very cliffs that meet the endless ocean. The air thrums with the clamor of merchants, the rhythmic clang of blacksmiths, and the scent of exotic spices, a captivating blend of ancient tradition and bustling commerce.

Paimon spotted a local and we went up to them asking about the Rite of Descension.

The local, Linlang answered the question saying,

"Rite of Descension... Oh yeah, that reminds me, isn't that today!?"

"Once a year, Rex Lapis bestows upon us his divine prediction, guiding us on how to run Liyue for the coming year. Last year it was the of the that was given the honor of asking for the divine prediction."

The Traveler looked confused,

"The Liyue Qixing?'

Paimon flew in front of the Traveler and nodded excitedly. She then said,

"Ooh! Paimon knows this one! Mondstadt is to freedom as Liyue is to contracts. Liyue has a strong focus on business and trade. The Liyue Qixing— the seven leaders of the seven enterprises of Liyue — hold true control over Liyue."

Linlang shook her head and said,

"That's what outlanders always say."

"But true control over Liyue will always be held by Rex Lapis."

"The Qixing is comprised of mere mortals. Rex Lapis is a god. Mondstadt's god is nowhere to be seen, whilst our god is forever with us. Stay in Liyue long enough and you'll see... Given that you just left your godless city, it's time you experienced what it's like to be in a city whose god has walked with it through all of history"

I looked at the local with some discomfort. I know that she worships Rex Lapis but, to the extent of insulting Mondsdadt... I suppose she isn't wrong, if only she knew what was actually going on. 

After a while of going to different locals and asking them questions, Paimon said.

"Great! Then we can start our experience off with the Rite of Descension. Good choice. Then get going. To the high ground."


Under Ningguang's direction, the Rite begins right on time, and Rex Lapis shows up as promised. But as the clouds disperse, the crowds watch in horror as the lifeless body of their God drops onto the offering table. After inspecting the scene for a brief moment, Ningguang utters the unfathomable words: "Rex Lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!"

I looked flabbergasted and was slightly pissed,

"Wait- We came all the way just to find out that he's dead!?"

Paimon looked shocked and shouted,

"Wha... What's going on!? Did she just say Rex Lapis is... The Geo Archon... is... DEAD!? Oh no, the Millelith! Looks like they're nabbing suspects who got too close. Paimon's freaking out. The killer is amongst us! Wait... we got close... are we suspects!?"

The Traveler started to slowly move away.

I noticed it and asked,

 "Wait, where are you going?"


We were running from the Millelith. I swear that the Traveler has some serious trust issues.

We nearly got caught but I heard a voice from behind us,

"Hey buddy- Leave this to me."

I could hear Diluc growling from my shadow, he doesn't do that unless they're suspicious...

Is he a part of the fatui?


This is done for today! Sorry that its short! i have to leave on a journey soon so I just wanted to get this published.

There will be no updates for a while.

Author out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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