6 | double twat power

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"I have heard so much bullshit in the twenty-four years of my existence but you just topped all of it off!"


"I can't believe that you turned your back on that hunk, and never contacted him after all of that!"

"And what would I have said? The girl you cheated on me with is bullying me now? Whined more?" I muttered, falling face down on my bed in exhaustion.

"Yeah; maybe if you'd asked that question and whined a little more, you wouldn't be stuck preparing a shitlist there..." he trailed and rolled his eyes at me. But soon he realised that I was in no mood for his sarcasm and his tone shifted.

"Chin up, buttercup. You've sailed your boat towards the eye of the storm; better start rowing before you capsize," Daniel snapped, holding the phone which he had earlier kept standing on the bar in his hands as he furiously brought my attention back to him.

"Is this even right? I can't shake off the fact that we're all old now, Danny, and all of this is so...childish. Is a shitlist really necessary -"

"Is your whining stance at this awesome revenge plot really necessary?" he chuckled. "This is the best thing that you could do to them, Nellie! And trust me, it's not even the worst. You could murder them, destroy this marriage of theirs, you could even burn down the godforsaken town but you're dialing it down to just a shitlist of small, well deserved things!" 

His efforts to lift my spirits may have worked better if it wasn't the dead of the night and my eyes weren't on the verge of closing but I nodded nevertheless before another scenario captured my eyes.

In front of me, I could see Jonah's silhouette behind the blinds that covered the balcony doors. He's pacing in his room the same way I had been pacing in mine while explaining Daniel everything. 

"All I am saying, Nellie, is that you deserve to serve them the right way; you deserve to have this epic summer with your best friend. Both of you owe it to each other," Daniel said. "I'd say forget about everything going on and have fun! You've spent nights ranting about the people in your past life and now you have the perfect chance to take your revenge, so go all out!"

"Go all out." I smiled, agreeing to him.

"I hope you guys are still left with some tasks by the time I come to Jameson Hills because there is nothing I enjoy more than sweet revenge on ignorant town folks, especially the dramatic ones like yours. I would love to be this guardian angel-slash-revengeful best friend of the heroine," he smirked, as he chugged the whiskey down within seconds.

"Alright, whatever," I said with a laugh as I heard the noise on the other end. The party he had escaped from wasn't dying anytime sooner even though the clock had struck twelve in Iceland a few hours ago. "I...I'll FaceTime you next week, okay?" I added.

I didn't know how to tell him that in between all of this, simply texting him wasn't enough. I needed to see him, I needed his eyes to tell me that it was all going to be okay, even if he laughed it off. 

"You know you will see this face again on the 'gram every day, but as my favorite subscriber..."

"Oh, shut up!" I laughed. 

"As if you can shut me up, pumpkin," he chuckled. "I'll see you soon, okay? Please hold fort until then."

As I cut his call and crawled into my bed, my thoughts found themselves stumbling headon to a bygone time.

Something about going to Lacey's today had triggered memories that I had tried to avoid the entire day, no, the entire time I had been gone from this town, but they had found themselves back to me the moment I crashed my head on my pillows with a sigh.

Nellie & Jonah's Summer ShitlistWhere stories live. Discover now