CHAPTER 5 (Baekhyun)

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I come into pieces. I open my eyes and see a familiar face looking down at me. He wears a white coat and glasses. A stethoscope hangs on his neck. I blink.
"I never thought I would see you again here," Suho whispers, raising an eyebrow.
"The next time you'll see me I might be in the morgue instead," I tell him.
Suho glares at me. "Not funny, Baekhyun."
I just shrug. I don't have it in me to argue. Someone is holding my right hand. I turn my head to find Chanyeol sleeping in a chair, his head resting on my bed. I close my eyes, mentally slapping myself for mentioning such morbidity.
"Chanyeol would be upset if he heard you," Suho tells me, voicing my thoughts.
"Sorry," I whisper, staring at Chanyeol's lovely face.
"I offered to watch over you and told him to take a rest," Suho continues. "But he didn't want to leave your side, so I let him be."
"How's my arm?" I ask him instead, noticing my arm in a cast.
"I should be the one asking you that," he says. "I can't say you're lucky since you got a minor fissure. But Baekhyun, you should be more careful from now on."
"Why? I might lose my arm?" I ask nonchalantly.
"No." Suho throws me another look. "We might have to replace your bone tissues with titanium if ever you break your arm again."
"Titanium?" I raise an eyebrow. "Doesn't sound bad if you ask me."
"What has gotten into you?" Suho asks, frowning. "Did you hit your head again?"
I pause. I'm not sure myself why I'm acting like a teenage girl in her period. Maybe I did hit my head again. I glare at the ceiling.
"Baekhyun," Suho calls, breaking me out of my reverie. "Is something bothering you?"
I frown. Do I look like I'm bothered? Maybe I am.
"I'm a Psychologist too," Suho tells me, crossing his arms in front of him. "You can talk to me."
"Are you saying I may be experiencing some sort of psychological disorder?" I narrow my eyes at him.
"No," he disagrees, looking closely at me. "Baek, what's been bothering you?"
Before I can open my mouth to speak, to tell Suho to just drop the subject, Chanyeol wakes up, running a hand through his hair.
"You just woke my husband, hyung," I tell Suho. He rolls his eyes at me.
"Baekhyun, you're awake...and talking," Chanyeol notes, glancing at Suho.
"Ask Baek," Suho tells him, exchanging a look with me. "I've stayed here longer than I should be."
Chanyeol starts to speak, but Suho cuts him off.
"Don't worry about it." Suho ruffles Chanyeol's hair. "I'm going back to work."
He pauses by the door. "Luhan told me he might drop by later."
Chanyeol nods. "See ya later, Doc."
I pull my hand from Chanyeol, only to touch his face. He looks at me questioningly. I stare at him. He stares back at me. I don't know how long we kept our staring game.
"Park Baekhyun, what you are doing is illegal," Chanyeol whispers, chuckling. "You're turning me into a puddle."
"I'm not doing anything illegal." I grin at him. "Stop staring at me then."
I reach out to cover his eyes, but he catches my hand and kisses my fingers.
"You can't stop me from staring at you," he tells me, smiling. "An angel like you is hard to resist."
I pull my hand from his, covering my face as blood rises to color my cheeks.
"Stop it. You're making me blush," I mumble, pouting.
I hear him laugh as he pulls my hand away from my face. Before I even know it, I'm kissing Chanyeol. My heart thuds loudly in my chest as he deepens the kiss. I wrap my arm around his neck, wanting to prolong the moment, as he starts to pull away. He moans softly, his fingers tangling in my hair.
I hear the door open and we break apart, trying to look normal, but failing instantly. Luhan stands by the door, holding a white coat. I raise an eyebrow at him.
He clears his throat and smiles. "Oops. It seems I got the timing wrong. I'll come back later."
He's gone before I even have the chance to stop him. I peek at Chanyeol. He's biting his lip, stifling his laughter.
"What's so funny?" I ask, poking his nose.
He just shakes his head. His features turn serious in just a second.
"Baekhyun." I inhale sharply. God, I just love how he says my name. "Tell me, what are you thinking?"
I drop my gaze. "Were you awake? Have you been listening?"
"Not really," he answers, sounding sheepish. "Your eyes were telling me something."
What am I thinking? What was I trying to tell Chanyeol? I...I...I don't-
I blink, tears betraying my eyes. I wipe them off furiously.
"Hey." Chanyeol holds my face in his hands. "Why are you crying? Baek?"
My throat feels like sand paper. I swallow achingly.
"Chanyeol, I'm sorry," I croak, locking my hand around his wrist.
He sighs heavily. "Why are you apologizing?"
I speak the words that have been eating me. "Chanyeol, you almost died, because of me."
His eyes widen. "Don't say that. Never say that, please."
He almost sounds angry. I sniff, unable to stop my tears.
I know Chanyeol well enough to know he's blaming himself for whatever reason he has. He should not. I will take all the blame. I will take all the pain. I can't bear to see the person I love the most hurting because of me.
I struggle to sit up. Chanyeol snakes his arm around my waist, supporting me. I take a shaky breath, composing myself. I blink the tears away. I slide my hand up to Chanyeol's shoulder and gaze into his eyes. I choose my words carefully.
"Accident or not, I feel as though I need to blame someone," I whisper, pressing my fingers against his lips as he's about to interrupt me. "Chanyeol, for once, let me take the blame, for me to learn from my mistake, for me to learn how to forgive myself too."
Chanyeol pulls my hand gently from his lips. He clenches his teeth. A dozen of emotions flash across his face before he speaks.
"This is not right. You have done nothing wrong."
"I have," I say. "I lied to you, to myself."
He closes his eyes. "Baekhyun, please. I can't let you torment yourself like this anymore."
I wrap my hand around his neck and pull him to me. I feel his body trembling slightly as he cries softly against my neck.
"We're being too emotional, aren't we?" I whisper, laughing halfheartedly. I stroke his hair. "Don't worry. I have you by my side."
I press my lips against his forehead. His arms tighten around me. My left arm screams in protest. The pain is bearable enough. I ignore it.
"I'll take all the blame, so I can be stronger...enough for the both of us."
I am about to leave my office to head down and grab some coffee when the door opens, revealing Kyungsoo. He stops in his tracks, noticing my arm in a cast.
"Byun Baekhyun, what happened to you?" he asks, surprised. He rushes to me.
"First, it's Park Baekhyun now. Second, it's nothing," I tell him, brushing him off.
"First, my apologies." He raises his hands, drops them, and gives me a serious look. "Second, what do you mean it's nothing?"
I sigh. "I fell again. I fell from the Eiffel Tower."
He looks at me unbelievably. I grin, deciding to just keep the details from him, saving me the trouble of answering his W and H questions that will surely follow. Besides, it's not something I'm comfortable to talk about.
"What are you doing here anyway?" I ask instead.
"Heol." Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at me. "Is that how you treat your best friend now that you are married?"
I laugh. "What are you saying? Don't make me choose between you and Chanyeol. You might get hurt."
He cocks one eyebrow. "Ha! I would choose Kai over you too."
Kyungsoo laughs evilly. I snort.
"Are you heading out?" he asks.
"Mm, for a little break," I answer. "I'm stressing myself again."
He pinches my cheeks. "Don't ruin your health. Let's go. I know a nice place."
"Is it far?" I ask as he drags me by my right arm.
"Not really," he tells me as we head to the elevator.
"Let go of my arm then," I whine childishly. "I might end up with two broken arms.
"Oh." He releases me instantly.
"Chanyeol might eat you alive if that ever happens," I threaten, fixing my hair dramatically.
Kyungsoo turns to me as the elevator doors slide close before us.
"I will make sure to have Kai avenge my death by ripping your throat out," he says icily, throwing me a murderous glare.
A beat of silence passes. We cover our mouths as we laugh out loud.
I stand outside the agency under a light snow as I wait for a taxi. Since I can't drive with one hand, and since Chanyeol's working hours are longer than mine, I'll be commuting for a while.
The night is busy, despite of the cold weather. I watch people walking on each side of the street, couples having dinner in restaurants across from me, teenagers heading to the night market, and-
I narrow my eyes. Three familiar lads are heading towards me, two short ones and a tall one. I blink as they stop in front of me.
"Baekhyunnie!" Chen greets. He opens his arms to hug me, but stops abruptly. "What happened to your arm?"
"You broke it again?" his brother, Xiumin, asks at the same time Tao also asks, "Did you fell or something?"
"A dinosaur stepped on me accidentally," I tell them, lifting my left arm. It hurt a little. "It's nothing serious. No need to ask for details."
"I would, but we're in a bit of a hurry," Xiumin says. He glances suspiciously at my arm for a second.
"We'll catch up with you later!" Chen tells me, grabbing Tao and Xiumin by their arms.
"Ciao!" Tao says, waving at me.
I watch as they hurriedly walk ahead and turn into a corner. My eyes shift back to the restaurants. I cock my head to the side, thinking.
"Let's see. What should I cook for dinner? Chanyeol's favorite?"
I sit on the edge of the bed, examining my left arm. I grit my teeth as pain shocks me like electricity when I accidentally twist my arm in the wrong direction.
"Damn," I curse, exhaling through clenched teeth.
Chanyeol enters our room a second later, shirtless. I gape at him. He wears his pajamas sexily, hanging low in his hips. My heartbeat increases. I feel myself blushing. I can't believe this godlike human is mine. I swallow, drinking in the sight of him, my eyes tracing the contours of his body.
"Park Chanyeol, are you trying to seduce me?" I ask, biting my lip as I stare at his chest. "You seem to know exactly how to distract me."
He chuckles, reaching out to cover my eyes. "Stop staring. You might get drunk."
I snort, reaching out blindly. I run my hand up his bare stomach, teasing him. He playfully smacks my hand away and takes back the hand covering my eyes. I glance at him only to see him putting on a shirt.
"You're no fun," I whisper, pouting, disappointment strong in my voice.
Chanyeol laughs. He joins me on the bed and pulls me into his arms. I sit with my back facing him. He rests his chin on my shoulder as he locks his arms around my waist. I lean against him, sighing contentedly.
"How's your arm?" he asks.
"Still recovering," I answer, closing my eyes.
A low moan escapes my lips as Chanyeol tortures my neck with sweet little kisses. My heart races in my chest.
"See, you are trying to seduce me." I chuckle, opening my eyes.
"No, I'm not." I feel him smile against my skin.
Chanyeol's hands slip under my shirt. I gasp. His hands feel cold against my burning skin. I yelp as he squeezes me.
"Stop it!" I whine, trying to break free of him with one arm as he tickles me.
I twist in his arms and give him a look. Chanyeol grins. I just roll my eyes and press my lips against his, kissing him instead. He pulls me closer as he matches my intensity. My breathing becomes rag.
"I love you," Chanyeol breathes as he pulls away slightly, our nose touching.
My heart threatens to explode. "Me too."
His lips are on mine again. I surrender to him. The cold night is filled with our sweet and passionate kisses. Sooner rather than later, I find myself falling asleep, wrapped in Chanyeol's arms as he sings my lullaby.

"SeoOn!" I call, padding downstairs.
I find SeoJun playing leggoes in the living room. I sigh at the mess scattered on the floor.
"Where's your twin?" I ask SeoJun, picking him up as he reaches for me.
"Daddy," he answers, pointing outside.
"Daddy and SeoOn went to see Nanny off?" I ask.
"Mm." SeoJun cradles my face in his tiny hands. "Appa, I want ice cream."
"Ice cream? Do we have an ice cream? Did Nanny buy one?"
I smile and head to the kitchen with SeoJun in my arms. I put him down and prepares his ice cream.
"It's cold," he says as he takes his first bite.
I laugh softly and help myself with some ice cream too.
SeoOn and SeoJun are the adorable twins Chanyeol and I adopted almost a year ago. I wanted a baby girl originally. But the first time I met the twins, they'd already captured my heart. Chanyeol was even more trilled to have them. SeoOn and SeoJun know well that they're adopted and they're happy to have us as their new parents.
Chanyeol and I find no trouble taking care of the twins since we have Nanny Elsie - a middle aged, half-Japanese nurse - to help us. She already has four grandchildren and treats the twins like one. The twins have started calling her Granny too.
I carry SeoJun back to the living room just as Chanyeol and SeoOn enter the house.
"Nurse Elsie is on her way home," Chanyeol says as he puts SeoOn down.
SeoOn runs towards me, wrapping his arms around my leg. "Appa, ice cream!"
Chanyeol chuckles. "Daddy will get you one."
He pats SeoOn's head as he passes us. SeoOn follows him.
"You two really like ice cream," I tell SeoJun as I set him down on the long couch. I dab a tissue on his mouth.
"Clean up your mess later, okay?" Chanyeol tells the twins as he places SeoOn beside SeoJun.
The twins nod, more focused on the ice cream. I laugh quietly and take a bite of ice cream from SeoOn. Chanyeol suddenly grabs me. He pulls my lips to his, sucking the ice cream out of my mouth.
"Mmm." He pulls away, licking his lower lip. "You shouldn't eat too much ice cream. You might get fat."
My mouth drops to the floor. Chanyeol laughs out loud, pulling me into his arms.
"You devil," I say, smacking his behind.
Chanyeol kisses my forehead before releasing me. He plops down next to SeoOn and opens his arms, inviting me in.
"Come, my Baek," he croons.
I roll my eyes as I take his outreached hand. He cradles me on his lap. I wrap my arms around him. The twins seem oblivious of us.
"Is everything ready for tomorrow?" Chanyeol asks against my ear.
"Yes," I answer.
"Will the twins like our present?" he wonders, reaching to wipe SeoOn's hands.
"Any three year old child would love an art set," I tell Chanyeol. "It's time for the twins to learn art."
"I bet Kris would be willing to teach them." He snorts.
I straighten up from Chanyeol's lap. He lets me go reluctantly. I give him a peck on the cheek before sitting next to SeoJun.
"SeoJun-ah, SeoOn-ah."
They both turn their attention to me.
"Wow. They listen to you well," Chanyeol notes, wiping the twins' hands and mouths as they finish eating their ice cream.
"Tomorrow is your birthday, right?" I tell the twins. "Your uncles will be coming to celebrate with you."
"Uncles?" SeoJun wonders.
"Uncle Kyungsoo is coming?" SeoOn asks, smiling.
"Mm," I answer, reaching across SeoJun to fix SeoOn's messy hair. "Uncle Kyungsoo is coming to play with you two."
"Do we have presents?" SeoJun asks.
"Of course. What's a birthday without presents?" Chanyeol answers. "Appa and Daddy have prepared your presents well. Your uncles are all rich. I'm sure they all prepared something you can't imagine."
I chuckle, raising an eyebrow. "Something you can't imagine?"
"Presents!" the twins squeal, smiling.
"When you see Uncle Kris tomorrow," Chanyeol continues. "Don't hesitate to tell him what you want. He'll buy you anything."
Chanyeol and I laugh. The twins join us. I meet Chanyeol's eyes. We smile at each other, sending a silent message.
This is happiness.
Chanyeol and I sit on the twins' bed, watching them sleep.
"Why do they look so cute when sleeping?" he wonders.
I smile, stroking SeoOn's hair. Chanyeol stands up, pulling me with him. I protest as he lifts me up in his arms. He silence me with his lips as carries me to our room. He sets me down gently on the bed and sits across me.
"Baekhyun," he whispers, holding my face in his hands. "Tell me, what are you thinking?"
I blink. What am I thinking? I stare straight into Chanyeol's eyes. I see everything I could ever ask for. I let out a breath and smile.
"I'm thinking how lucky I am to have you and the twins," I whisper.
"That's what I want to hear," he says.
Chanyeol leans closer to me, pressing his lips against my forehead. I close my eyes. A silent message passes between us.
This is love.


Don't miss 'LOST & FOUND', the prequel to 'GOODBYE HELLO'!

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