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with tears on silk sheets

hair fanned out like tangled snakes on the pillows

only in dreams do my tears subside

in awakening they flow anew

to dream is to respite

from the cruelty of life itself

the way the emotions of humans do not allow rest

for the bearer who is also the victim of an endlessly manipulative charade

when shattered hopes and broken dreams are all that is left

we turn to the places where our thoughts do not affect

in the darkness i find solace, in the dreams of my mind i find peace

and a semblance of the will to live i thought not there

and so we let the night encompass us

hide the tears that threaten to leak from the walls we so painfully built

escaping the cruel game of love requires a place where it does not exist

which is where the dark comes in

no room for love or pain or cruelty or regret or betrayal or revenge

just rest

replaying images through the darkness you would want to forget

showing memories that you would never want to remember again

but it's better than seeing it with open eyes.

(all verse work is original)

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