chapter 1 - intro

Start from the beginning

As the protagonist walked foreword to his destination while eating a cream puff in his hand, he thought back about the person with the big hat following him like a lost puppy. His voice was...cute.

Just then the protagonist bumped into an officer, the cream puff in his mouth squished and his mouth stained with cream.

"Oh, sorry." The protagonist said bluntly without any hint of remorse for his actions, making the officer enraged.

"Hey hey hey! Can't ya see there's an officer workin' here?"

The officer then went on a long rant about how he's a proud member of the magic police who protects the town folks without receiving any thanks. His only reward being a lousy bottom-barrel pay. He expressed that he ought to take his stress out on the protagonist.

The person with a comically large witch-like hat who was following the protagonist immediately got infront of him, protecting the protagonist.

"You pedo! How dare you take advantage of the kid!"

The person said, misunderstanding the situation. Although the mushroom-headed protagonist's mind wasn't on the same page as he offered the officer his half-eaten cream puff. The officer screamed about his stained outfit but quickly stopped as he realised the protagonist had ripped off the officer's shirt.

"I'm sorry about your clothes. I'll wash and return them to you."

The protagonist innocently said as the person with the comically large witch-like hat chuckled.

Suddenly another officer named 'Brad' came to the scene. He looked at the protagonist and noticed that he had no mark on his face. Suddenly an old man grabbed the protagonist and ran off into the forest. The person with the comically large witch-like hat following suit behind them.

At the house, the old man screamed at his son, the protagonist on how he had told him to never go to town. The said protagonist quickly apologized. The old man's anger quickly faded away as he couldn't stay angry at his obedient son.
As punishment, he told the protagonist to redo his training. The protagonist left the house to train at the forest.

suddenly three magic officers kicked down a part of the wall and entered the house while the old man was contemplating things.
The three magic officers demanded where the protagonist was
The officer named 'Brad' holds the Oldman in a chokehold by using his magic and continues on and on about how people with no mark on their face shouldn't be born.

He throws the Oldman down to the floor as he continues that sheltering unmarked people is a serious offense and to hand over the kid. But the Oldman refuses.

Suddenly memories flash before his eyes. He was unwanted, a failure. He had even considered taking his own life but at that moment he found a baby, an unmarked baby all alone. From that day on he had decided that even of they weren't tied by blood, even if the whole world rejected them, he would always be a father to the protagonist.


The old man hoped his voice would reach to his son, Mash. The name of the protagonist was Mash. The magic officer named 'Brad' ordered his his colleagues to look for Mash.

Suddenly the door was broken down by Mash as he punched one of the officers and ripped another officer's shirt as he slapped him continuously. The Oldman looked at mash and said,

"Why...why didn't you run, mash?"

"Because we are family. You're all I've got."
Mash replied as the Oldman stared at mash with hidden emotions in his eyes.
Mashle then continued that since he's here, he might as well finish the three magic officers.

Brad used his magic to shoot out his ball at mash but was quickly dumbfounded as mash flicked the ball away.

Brad once again used his magic to summon more balls and shoot at mash but the protagonist simply used his knee to reduce its momentum, juggled them and showed off his sweet dribbling moves!

mash borrowed his father's wand as he throwed it at Brad with inhumane speed, creating a scratch at Brad's cheek and effectively stopping Brad from using his magic spell.

Brad suddenly started to loose it. Laughed like a creepy man and offered to mash that he'll let go of them only if he does what he says.

Suddenly the person with the comically large witch-like hat, who was sitting on a nearby tree watching the commotion, stepped between Brad and Mash.

"Hey! Hands off the kid, you pedo-!"

But the person was quickly thrown aside by Brad's magic. Fortunately Mash caught the person in his arms and slightly glared at the magic officer. Brad then continued,

"You see, we're a very religious country. Once every year, a single student is revered as one of God's chosen. They call 'em The Divine Visionary."

Brad said to Mash that he should enroll in magic school and become god's chosen one so that society will have no choice but to accept an unmarked person like him. But in reality Brad just wanted the cash and prestige that came along with it, which is why he'll back mash up.

Despite the Oldman's protest, mash agreed. The person in mash's arms looked up to him and offered to help him. The person with the comically large witch-like hat introduced himself as (your Name). Mash repeated (your name)'s name for a few
times, basically enchanted by it. He didn't know why he felt this way towards the said male.

And thus began the journey of Mash, the protagonist aming to become a divine visionary to be accepted into society even if he's unmarked and can't use magic.

(Your name) Following him like a lost puppy with the excuse of helping mash become a divine visionary and to not let anyone find out about his inevitability to use magic, but the main reason was just because (your name) was bored.
I mean, having lived since the start of the universe was boring, even though (your name) had died countless times but got revived again by some god sitting on top of a huge door in a white landscape.

Were you being toyed with? The god had found enjoyment in reviving (Your name) and watching you torment yourself everyday from boredom.

Even talking to the god was boring since centuries ago.

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