chapter 1 - intro

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On a fine day unlike everyday, our protagonist walked through the bustling narrow streets of town looking for a specific shop. It had been a while since he had ventured out because of his father's words, 'You must never venture out into the city.'

Our mushroom-headed protagonist could never understand why though. Well anyways, he walked around, looking at his surroundings.

"Couldn't they just do all this stuff by hand?"

The protagonist bluntly muttered to himself as he witnessed a person using their magic to prepare desserts, A shoemaker twirling around with a stick in his palms while a brush magically floats and cleans shoes worn by men and many more instances.

Not long after, he had reached the presumed bakery he saw on the flyer back home. He went to the shop window and requested 7 cream puffs.

"I'll take seven of the special."

"Sure thing." The shopkeeper replied.

Our mushroom-headed protagonist handed him coins but the shopkeeper looked distressed and unsure as he looked at the coins.


The shopkeeper didn't know what to do. He just stared at the twisted-shaped coins.

"Oops, guess I crushed them in my excitement. Sorry, let me fix that."

The protagonist bluntly said without any emotions in his voice.
'But coins don't usually bend when you squeeze them...wait a minute, did he say "fix" ?'
The shopkeeper looked at the protagonist in a uncanny expression, who gripped the coin and snapped it back to its original shape.

"Does this work?" the protagonist said calmly.

'What? He just...? Woah. What? th-that's seriously freaky, He just...'


the shopkeeper was shocked and quickly screeched before he ran inside his shop to retrieve the 7 cream puffs. Unknowingly producing enough wind to blow the protagonist's cloak down his shoulders.

"Thanks for waiting." The shopkeeper said.

"Thank you very much." Said the protagonist as he took his 7 cream puffs and started walking back home.

The townsfolk looked at the protagonist in horror. The said protagonist unaware of why everyone was looking at him as if they saw a ghost.

"Sir...Don't you have a..." The shopkeeper's words trailed as he didn't know how to say this. The protagonist simply looked back at the shopkeeper before his eye widened.

"May I have 2 cream puffs?" A person said in a beautifully meek but authorative voice. The protagonist guessed it was a male as the voice leaned more towards it.

The shopkeeper quickly bowed and went inside his shop to retrieve the order, The protagonist was still mesmerized.

"Do I have something on my face?" The new person asked the protagonist who quickly broke out of his trance.

"...Um nothing, sorry." The protagonist quickly walked away as the shopkeeper handed the new person his order.

Having nothing to currently do, the new person simply took the food, payed and started to discreetly follow the protagonist. Why? Because he was simply bored.

The protagonist noticed the person following him since the person was too bad at hiding himself. I mean, surely he didn't think he could go unnoticed with his comically large witch-like hat, did he?

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