🌸 Old friends🌸

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            *Sunday *Morning time *

A beautiful of age 15 named Kelli with dark long black  hair and black eyes wearing an hoodie and shorts, sitting on her bed while looking at the new school dress that her parents bought her .The uniform has an short skirt, a white shirt,a dark green coat and a green tie with two yellow lines on it .she was so amused by Seeing this  very beautiful uniform .The girl was thinking about how the school was going to be and how the students were going to react having a new class mate ."This is her highschool time and she had already changed school 2 times before because of her father's transfer , also because of their family issues  they didnt want her to be disturbed by all this so that's why they are sending her to hostel. She is an beautiful girls with pale white skin and big black eyes ,she always cares for others ,she like to sketch and read books and mainly she has an adopted little brother who loves her very much and also she do the same '.
When the girl was thinking  all this suddenly her mother called out for her to have her meal.                                                           she got there sat on the dining table with her  13 year old brother who was eating his food ,sandwich with mayo and vegetables.. Suddenly her phone rings showing a name' josho' ,she picked the call and the call from the other side, she heard a sweet friendly voice of a girl ,The girl  suddenly started  shouting slangs , Kelli almost choked her food . she was scared of this and she quickly turned the speaker off and wishper to the sound comming from thephone kelli - "hey hey wait my btother is infront of me "! Still the sound didnt stop ( runs to her room and closed her room door )
*The girl on other side of the call named* josho- ( angryly)bit*h you **₩€r , why you didnt pick up my call  ,I called you 65 time in this week ,what are you up to?do you even know ...know ......how...(her voice shakes).... how the hell I missed you.....(chocks)....(she was crying )
Kelli - (comforting her) so sorry josho stope crying .. but I was busy ..for some reasons.
Josho - (cute cute angrily )who the hell is crying ?what some reasons huh!? I know you dont care about me any more.
Kelli - what the hell bro ,did you drank the phenyl again ?(joking )
Josho -  (annoyed in cute way )uaaahhh you always do this to me, always joke around while serious mood .
Kelli - ok ok fine I am serious now ,so tell me why did you call ?
Jasho - bro you won't believe!! Luis is going to be in your school soon !!he has just transferred  to the nicol school .I heard that he is going to stay at the hostel, aren't you also in hostel?!! Oo guy ~you two are going to have so much fun.I am jealous.
Kelli - o really ! That's an good news ,atleast one of my best friend is going to be here . Thanks for telling me.(teasing ) I will remember to send you pics of us having fun.(laugh)
Josho - you are so mean (●°^°●).
Kelli- um ..by the way are you still studying in zelot or you are going to study some were else ?
Josho - no bro I will never leave this school  there are so many handsome guys  (°~°)  and teachers whom I have not flirted with .
Kelli - (laugh) you have not changed a bit ,did you ?I'll miss you so much josho (releasing a deep breath ) but I think this school and the students are going to be kind .
Josho - uuaaahh bro miss you too.take good care of you (T~T).
Kelli -  sure..
Suddenly her door was opened and a boy with brown hair and brown eyes was standing with a plate of pasta in his hands, at the door gazing at the girl. Kelli flips and sees her little adorable brother whos name was "nikel "standing at the door ,she ended the call with a smile and get down of the bed to take the pasta plate from boy . 

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