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A Jaden Walton love story


Jaden was nervous he was taking Isabella to "sperata" this super nice restaurant it has 4.4 star rating so he hoped it would be good

Jaden was wearing a polo shirt and dress pants trying to impress Isabella he was gonna tell her to dress nice but he realized she could wear sweats and a hoodie and she still would look beautiful

"Woah man you look sharp" Javon said walking into Jaden room "thanks I'm taking Bella to dinner and I was trying to look good" Jaden sprayed his cologne on himself "woah first date?" "Nah well in my head I guess yea" Javon laughed

Jaden watched as Isabella approached the car wearing a black dress she looked beautiful he was staring so lost in thought he didn't realize she was standing in front of him by now

"Jaden are you good" Isabella asked "yes uh sorry" "no worries" Isabella looked around almost waiting for something "so you gonna open the door" Jaden realized he was blocking her door quickly opening it helping her inside before rushing to his side mentally killing himself for already doing something embarrassing

They walked inside of the restaurant looking around before walking up to the host "reservation for Walton" Jaden said the waiter scanned her reservation book "follow me" Isabella looked over at Jaden smiling excitedly jaden offering his arm towards her which she gladly took ahold of as they followed the waiter

"When you said you were taking me for dinner I expected McDonald or even wingstop if you were feeling fancy but not this beautiful place" Jaden laughed as Isabella looked around "wingstop is fancy?" Isabella let out a small laugh nodding her head "yes shut up"

Jaden watched her scan the menu before looking up at him "Jaden what are you getting?" Jaden snapped out of his thoughts "uh probably a steak and baked potato for the side" Isabella nodded "hm let's be twins and get the same thing" Jaden looked at her confused "are you sure? I made sure this place had chicken tenders for you" Isabella looked at him shocked "you remembered?" Jaden only nodded smiling "how could I forget" Isabella shrugged "hm well the thought was nice but new restaurant means trying something new"

After a few minutes of them talking the waiter brought them their food telling them to enjoy before walking off

"Oh my gosh this looks so yum" Jaden took out his phone ready to take a picture of his food when Isabella pushed it down "your camera never eats first did you not watch Millie's interview" Jaden shook his head "no" "oh you should" Jaden pointed his camera towards Isabella "say cheese" Isabella smiled looking towards the camera as Jaden took her picture

"Wait what do you mean your not going to prom" Isabella asked cutting her food "I don't dance" Isabella scoffed "your so dumb prom isn't about dancing it's about making memories with your friends" Jaden looked over at her fondly admiring her "so I guess your going to prom?" Isabella nodded her head eagerly

"has anyone asked you" Jaden was curious he wanted to know who she was going with "no one has" Jaden would never show it on his face or body language but he was mentally cheering "how would you even want someone to ask you?" Isabella thought about it for a second "i don't know something simple I hate being the center of attention" "right I saw you singing karaoke you didn't seem to mind then" Jaden laughed teasing her Isabella went red blushing "I hate you" Isabella said jokingly

They spent 2 hours in the restaurant Isabella never wanted to leave the smile never left her face so that meant Jaden never left his either

"Jaden this was so nice I've never been on a date before" Jaden was shocked you could see it in his face "oh I- I just thought" Isabella mumbled embarrassed before Jaden cut her off "I really enjoyed our date too" he looked into her eyes "I like you" "I noticed" Isabella laughed before grabbing his hand from across the table "I like you too"

They were sitting down in the restaurant waiting for the check when Jaden sat in thought this was the first time he could tell that Isabella had liked him back she was on the phone with her mom occasionally glancing towards him and he could tell something had changed in the way she looked at him now

Jaden lived for this
Her and him

On the way back to Isabella house they were in the car listening to "CAS" Jaden had his playlist connected and "k" started playing going to turn it off Isabella stopped him and the entire way home they bonded over liking the same music

Jaden had never been so happy he knew Isabella said she liked him but he didn't know if she said it just to be nice or she truly meant it he just wanted her to feel the same way he did

When they got to Isabella house Jaden insisted on walking her to her door

"Here you are" Jaden said as they both stood before the door silence filled the air as neither of them wanted to say goodnight "uh so" Jaden said trying to break the silence Isabella smiled quickly wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug "i had such a great night thank you" Isabella pulled away before Jaden had a chance to react she waved bye before walking inside her house

Line without a hook- Jaden Walton Where stories live. Discover now