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A Jaden Walton love story


Isabella was lying on the couch watching her favorite show while eating potato chips when she got a call from Jayla.

"Hey, bells what are you up to?"

"Watching Netflix what are you doing what's up?"

"Eating chocolate but Any chance you want to come to Jaden's baseball game?"

"Uhm what time my mom won't be back from work till 3 and I can't drive."

"12 but no worries I can pick you up."

"Okay, I'll send you, my address."

"Great see you then bye luv."


Isabella hung up the phone and looked at the time great 10 I have an hour. Isabella began to procrastinate quickly getting up from the couch and putting her chips away before rushing to take a body shower and pick an outfit when she successfully finished, she called her best friend on facetime standing her phone on the vanity.

"Why are you calling me fake bitch and before you say anything Dylan here" Aria was on the other side of the FaceTime laying on her bed with her face to close to the phone "first back it up a few and then uh Jayla invited me to Jaden baseball game, and I don't know what to wear and I don't even know if I want to go" Aria knew of the whole Walton gang and mini golf situation as Isabella had already filled her in the second she got home "just chill out breath would you being nervous to go have anything to do with uh I don't know your developing feelings for Jaden?" Isabella rolled her eyes while she began to do her makeup "No of course not Jaden younger than me and I barely know him." Aria laughed "yea and what's wrong with younger guys? absolutely nothing it's kind of hot you could be his sugar mommy."

"Well, I mean he has dimples" Isabella said smiling "omg girl your face right now is basically the heart eye emoji" aria laughed "yea whatever" Dylan snatched the phone from Aria "okay Bella you low key need a man cause I'm getting tired of you third wheeling all the time" Isabella flicked him off "pass the phone back or die I don't need your judgement I'm far too busy for a man and I also know you and Aria enjoy my company if anything you're the one third wheeling" "uh sure I'm third wheeling with my own girlfriend and also lets be for real your busy taking care of that ancient cat that is probably going to outlive the entire world" Isabella gasped "don't talk about Romeo like that" "yea exactly my point you named your cat Romeo cause you wanted a man so bad" Isabella rolled her eyes trying to get her eyeliner right "if you don't shut the fuck up right now it's on sight when I see you" Aria snatched the phone back "girl lets also not forget your man is low key famous so his fan girls are not going to like you and for your first boyfriend it should at least be a peaceful relationship" "uh yea but let's not forget I don't like him so it's fine" Isabella got up backing away from the phone showing Aria her full outfit "literally gorgeous I'm in love" Aria laughed picking up her phone again "okay I got to go call you afterwards byeee Aria bye Dylan" Aria and Dylan said bye before Isabella hung up

Isabella sat in the passenger seat of Jayla car both girls talking up a storm. Isabella's nerves faded away being with Jayla.The girl was easy to talk to

"So, what's it like being famous." Isabella asked giggling "uh I don't know I love everyone but hate that sometimes- most times there like no privacy and never mind the fact everyone think they know you like the real you and not just who you choose to show you know what I mean?" Isabella didn't know what she meant the closest Isabella ever was to being famous was her YouTube channel in 6th grade yea it failed miserably with her 10 subscribers but never mind the fact she enjoyed her quiet life "ever think of maybe like just deleting everything and going ghost?" Jayla nodded "yup but I never will." a comftorble silence filled the car as the ballpark came into view "I'm a little nervous is your entire family there?" Isabella asked looking over at Jayla who was searching for a parking spot "yea we always come to Jaden games but don't worry Jaden talked about you enough that they already love you" "wait what Jaden talked about me before" Jayla quickly looked at Isabella realizing what she just exposed. " Yes, but you didn't hear it from me." Isabella ran her fingers across her mouth pretending to lock it and throw away the key as Jayla laughed.

Isabella walked closely behind Jayla following her to the bleachers her family sat at

"Everyone this is Isabella." Jayla entire family turned their way Isabella had googled them she looked them up on Instagram their faces were familiar but still somehow seeing them in person made her nerves rise again.

"hello" Isabella offered them a small wave which they all returned "hello Isabella how are you sweetie I'm Jessica and this is my husband DJ, and you already know the boys" Jessica introduced them but of course the stalker Isabella was she already knew them "nice to meet you" "yes you too sit-down honey." Isabella sat down in between Javon and Jayla

"Here comes Jaden number 7" Javon whispered nudging Isabella's side.

yup there he was walking up to first base ready to bat. boys in uniform are hot specifically baseball payers uhm specifically number 7 not just any number 7 the one named Jaden Walton

Jaden hit the ball hard causing it to fly past infielders giving him enough time to run through all 3 bases running a home run everyone in the crowd cheered him on getting up from their seats.

"GO JADEN" Isabella shouted clapping her hands she looked over at Javon who had his phone out recording her she looked at the camera confused before turning to her other side to see Jayla and her parents looking at her with admiration. "Why are you recording me?" Isabella asked confused "cause Jaden will pay good money to see you cheering for him." Javon stopped the recording before looking for his brother in the field "oh look he's staring this way" Isabella looked to where he was pointing, he was right Jaden was looking this way staring right at her Isabella sent him a small wave which caused him to smile and wave back before paying his mind back to the field.

the game went on for another hour until Jaden's team won and everyone decided to go out for a celebratory lunch.

"Okay what are you getting" Jaden asked from across the table "uhm safe choice chicken tenders with fries." I said closing the menu "wow your worse than Daelo" Jayla said laughing "you can't go for chicken tenders it's too obvious we might as well have gone to rasin canes." Javon said "y'all have a lot to say for food that you won't be eating" Isabella drank some of her sprite. "I think I'm going to get the same thing" Jaden looked at Isabella "bro stop being so obvious you're giving me the ick" Javon said fake gagging "what?? after a big game you must be hungrier." Isabella looked his way the two making eye contact before the waiter came clearing her throat causing Isabella to look her way blushing.

After everyone finished eating and wanted to go home Jaden practically begged Jayla to let him take her car and take Isabella home

Isabella sat in the passenger seat slumped from her meal practically fighting to stay awake.

"belly" Isabella looked over towards Jaden with a disgusted look on her face "No never call me that again." Jaden let out a smile turning towards her before facing the road again "I Wanna call you by a nickname" Isabella thought for a second before responding "Bella that's what my friends call me." Jaden glanced her way again. "I want it special to just me. how about Izzy?" Isabella gave him a disgusted look again "Ella?" "Okay Bella it is."

"So, do you and your mom share a car? Jayla said you needed a ride cause your mom was at work." Jaden asked wanting to continue the conversation "no its my mom car we don't need to share it because I can't drive." Jaden looked over at her shocked "what the fuck there actually no way" Isabella laughed hiding her face in her hands "there is a way." "My new mission in life is to teach you to drive." Isabella felt a smile growing on her face "you can try." Jaden looked her way their eyes finding each other's "challenge accepted."

"Okay but how did he look at you" Aria asked laying on Isabella bed.

immediately after Jaden dropped her off Isabella asked Aria to come over not wanting to tell her the details of the day over the phone the two girls were now laying on Isabella's bed watching "How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days." well really, they were yapping away while it played in the background.

"No, the thing is like his eyes were low key not undressing me they were just staring at me but like I don't know." Isabella tried to explain the eye contact Jaden and her were having trying not to over exaggerate but yet wanting her to know how intimate it felt. "Girl and he asked for your number but hasn't texted you yet" Aria said annoyed "well he said hi, but he probably just wanted to use it for like emergencies" Isabella said trying to find reason "girl be so for real right now."


Line without a hook- Jaden Walton Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz