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"So Nia, do you and Felix have children?" I asked her as she nodded proudly as she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of a little girl being held by someone whom I assumed was Felix. "Charlotte is 2 years old" she said with a smile. "She's adorable" I said as William nodded. We talked for a while before we collectively agreed that it was time to go. "Your family seems nice" I said as we walked to the car. I smiled as he opened the door for me and I got in. He closed the door before getting in himself. "What should we do now?" He asked me. "I don't know? Random flight?" I said jokingly. "Where to?" He asked as he opened the glove department and pulled out our passports. I was in shock. "Miami" I said as he smiled. "Consider it done. It might take a few hours to get my jet ready which will give us time to pack" William said as he started the car and pulled away. "We're seriously going to Miami?" I asked him in disbelief. "I mean if you want to" he said as I laughed. He was irresistible.

We packed and before I knew it William was helping me out of the car and we were walking onto a jet. "This is unbelievable" I said as I turned around and kissed him. "Money does unbelievable things" he said as I laughed. I wished this never had to end. "We will be taking off soon, sit down" he said as I plopped down in the chair next to him. I held his hand as the plane took off. I was terrified, I mean this was my first flight. "You want something to drink?" He asked as I nodded. "Could I have some orange juice?" I asked him. He nodded before flagging over a flight attendant and whispering in her ear. She nodded before leaving and coming back with an orange juice. I thanked her as I grabbed it. I immediately took a sip and almost spit it out. "What is this?" I asked William as I borderline choked on it. "It's a mimosa?" He said.  He was visibly confused. "I asked for orange juice" I said with a laugh. "Just orange juice" he said. "Yes" I said as I laughed harder. He also started laughing. "I'm sorry" he apologized.

He went and got me a proper orange juice. We watched movies and talked the entire flight. He even held my hand while we landed. It felt like we were a normal couple. We gathered our things and walked off the jet and into a car. He sat in the back with me while 2 men took the front and passenger seats. The man started the car and we drove off. "What do you want to do first?" He asked as I looked at the water through my window. "Get settled and then go to the ocean" I said as he smiled. "Have you ever been to the ocean?" He asked as I shook my head no. "My family went to it for vacations" he said as I nodded. "You don't really talk about your family" he mentioned as I smiled weakly at him. "Because I have no good things to say" I said as we approached the house and got out. The house was right on the edge overlooking the beach, which strangely had no people on it. "Where are all the people?" I asked William. "It's a private beach" he explained. I smiled at the possibilities involving privacy.

We walked into the house while the men unloaded our bags. "Let me show you your room" he said as he led me upstairs. He opened a door to reveal a large room with a bay window. "It's beautiful" I said as he smiled. "I thought you would like it" William said as I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Wanna get lunch?" I asked him as he nodded. "I thought you would never ask" he said as he grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs. We walked outside and I saw a red convertible. "Woah" I said as I dropped his hand and ran over to it. "We get to ride in this?" I asked him as he nodded. "I'm driving" he immediately clarified. I laughed as I got into the passenger seat while he got in the driver's side. We fastened our seatbelts before William started the car and drove away. "This is amazing" I screamed as my hair rippled in the wind. "What are you hungry for?" He asked me. "Pizza" I said as I watched the trees whip by. "Pizza it is" he said as he handed me his phone. "Pick a place" he instructed.

I found a place about five minutes away and before I knew it we were sitting in a booth together. "This isn't the place I had in mind" he said as he ate a slice of pizza. "Hey, I wasn't raised on caviar like you" I shot back. "It was more lobster" he joked. "Whoa" I said as he raised an eyebrow. "Mr serious has a sense of humor?" I asked. I pretended to be surprised. "Yes, I occasionally do" he said with a smirk. "Never would have guessed." I said as he took a sip of water. "There is a lot you might learn in the next 2 months" he said as I stopped smiling. Every time I forget about the time light, there he is to remind me. "Could we go?" I asked him as he nodded. We paid and went back to the house. "Is everything okay?" He asked. I kissed him. "Not as long as you are here" I said as we walked in the house. "Let's go swimming" I said as we walked upstairs to get changed. I jumped as I saw a man sitting down in a chair in the corner of our room.

"Couldn't find the time to tell your brother that you were coming?" The said as I looked at him in confusion. "Brother?" I asked as I turned to William. "Half brother" he corrected me. "Don't be like that Will, why don't you introduce me to your girlfriend?" He said as he stood up. William immediately stepped in front of me. "You abandoned my mother, the woman who raised you and loved you like her own after dad died and you realized that you couldn't suck anymore money out of my family. You are scum Jacob" William snapped. "I was heartbroken about dad" he said. Even I could tell he was lying. "Jacob, go" William said as he opened the door. "Some brother you are" Jacob said as he stormed out. William looked at me. I got the hint that he wanted to be alone and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower before stripping off my clothes and stepping in. After 5 minutes later I heard the bathroom door open. I knew it was William. He got in the shower with me and kissed my shoulder. "I'm sorry about earlier, Jacob's a mess" he muttered against my skin.

"It's okay, are you okay?" I asked him. "No, but I will be" he said as he turned me around and hugged me. I hugged him back before looking up and kissing him. The kiss turned into a make out moment. We pulled away and chuckled before pressing our foreheads together. I don't know how I was supposed to leave him. "I should get to bed" I said as I got out of the shower and got dressed before walking to my room. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep. Again another nightmare.

William's POV

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I walked into my room. I sat at my desk and started to get some work done. I heard her scream. I shut my computer and ran to her room. I tried to turn the handle. It was locked. "Fuck this" I said as I used my shoulder to bust in the door. I ran over to her bed and woke her up before cradling her in my arms. "It's okay" I said as I smoothed my hair. "Please, don't leave me" she cried. Were the nightmares about me?. "I'm here" I said as I kissed the top of her head.

I picked Elia up and carried her to my room. I sat her on the bed and laid down next to her. "I'm never leaving you" I said as she clung to me. "Don't lie to me" she said as I pulled away. "I told you how things were going to go" I said as I walked out of the room. I walked down to the kitchen and poured myself a shot before downing it and walking back upstairs. "I'm sorry, I was out of line" I said as I sat down on the bed next to her. "You deserve someone who loves you" I said as she laid her head on my shoulder. "You love me" she replied. "For the moment. I mean in the long run" I retorted. "Can't we just enjoy the time we have together" she said as I nodded slightly. "I suppose we can" I said as we both laughed lightly. Would I be able to let her go?. I shook the thought out of my mind. I had no choice but to let her go. I mean, she deserves someone who is actually capable of loving her.

She fell asleep and I eased her off my shoulder and onto the pillow. I kissed her cheek and walked out of the room. I finished working before going back into the bedroom and laid down with her. She really was beautiful. The kind of beauty that would have men throwing themselves at her. It made me made just thinking about it. She flipped over and opened her eyes. Once she saw me, she smiled. "Go back to sleep" I said as I smoothed her hair and kissed her forehead. She snuggled up to me and I couldn't help but hold her closer to me. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked her as she looked at me. "I want to go home" she answered. "To Philadelphia?" I asked. "No, New York" she clarified. "That can be arranged" I said as she hummed happily. "We should host a dinner party. Invite your family" she said as I nodded. "That would be nice" I whispered as I held Elia. Her heartbeat was calming. It wasn't long before we both fell asleep. I never thought that a woman would make me feel this way. I woke up to my alarm.

"Already?" Elia said as she grabbed a pillow and used it to block out the noise. I laughed at the action as I got dressed and walked downstairs. "Harden, could you get the car ready, I plan on taking Miss Pierce to get breakfast" I said as he nodded and walked outside. I walked back upstairs to our room. "We're leaving for breakfast on 30 minutes." I said as I kissed her cheek and pulled the covers off her. "Fuck you" she said groggily. "Don't tempt me" I said as she blushed. I loved the effect I had on her. I watched as she got up and showered before changing. "How do I look?" Elia asked as she spun in a circle. "Beautiful, let's go" I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the car. "We will be heading home after breakfast" I said as we got in. "Sounds like a plan" Eli said as she fastened her seatbelt and we drove away. "I will never get used to this" she said as the wind whipped through her hair. Neither can I. I can't get used to being a boyfriend. I can't be what she deserves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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