十一: What's The Difference Between A King And His Horse?

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(This took fucking forever to get motivation to write. I haven't watched this damn show since the Dabi episode of S6 and have to use the damn wiki for this shit, but I want to finish. I might also post a one-shot related to a story I've had in my head for 4 years now, but it will be a lot more mature than this story is, and I'll also post it on my AO3, if you can find that. Have a good rest of your day.)

Inside an abandoned bar in a small, a skinny pale man with short light blue hair sat in front of a tv, currently playing League of Legends on the console which was connected to the tv. A man made of dark purple mist wearing a nice suit was watching the light blue haired man as he cleaned the glasses of the bar with a rag.

"Master Shigaraki, don't you think you should be planning on how we will invade the Unforeseen Simulation Joint like you were instructed to?" The mist man questioned Shigaraki, who was now shouting at the tv in joy, since he had won the current round of league he had played.

Shigaraki scoffed at the other man and grumbled out to him in a raspy voice, "Why would I need to plan when we could just waltz in and attack them? That would be easiest anyway. We already have those files about those brats' quirks and what they do, now leave me alone Kurogiri!" The blue haired man then turned back to the tv to continue playing League of Legends.

Kurogiri gave a small sigh before going back to cleaning the glasses with a cloth, knowing the man-child wouldn't actually listen to him and find out the hard way that listening to advice would give a better outcome. At least there would be the slimmest of chances that he would actually learn from his mistakes in the coming future.


"Aizawa-sensei, why isn't that albino student coming with us? Isn't he a part of the class?" A brunette girl, Ochaco, asked the underground hero curiously. Today they were on a bus ride to the U.S.J., otherwise known as the Unseen Simulation Joint for some experience of what heroes do in certain situations.

Said underground hero grumbled before opening his tired and now moist black eyes, rubbing his left one as he produced a small yawn. "Zangetsu is doing something important at the moment and will most likely not be joining us. Now let me sleep, I don't get paid enough for any of this anyway."

As Aizawa went back to sleep, in the back of the bus, Bakugo scoffed after hearing that information. For all he knew, what he just heard could be a big fat lie and Zangetsu didn't want to have his ego deflated when it was revealed that he was a weak wimp. He would've been here if I wasn't a weak wimp, but he isn't so he must be weak, Bakugo thought to himself as the U.S.J came into view of his window.

Everyone started stepping out of the bus as it made its stop in front of the U.S.J, where a hero in a spacesuit stood waiting for everyone to get out. "Hello class 1-A and welcome to the U.S.J. I am Thirteen, and I will be your instructor for the exercises you will be having today. Please follow me inside," the hero said before she turned away and towards the building while the class followed close behind.

Once the students and teachers got inside the U.S.J, the space hero started to explain how the exercises were going to work to the students, her back turned to look at them as she explained everything. But behind her, at the center of the building, a purple mist started to grow into the form of a circle.

Kirishima, who was at the front of everyone else, noticed the forming of the mist. "Wow, they even have villian for the exercises! That's so rad!" He announced in excitement, which made Thirteen confused and Aizawa readying his scarf.

"Those aren't actors, they are villains! Thirteen, make sure they don't get harmed. I'll take care of the villains," Aizawa shouted as he jumped down the stairs, the misty circles revealing hundreds of villains coming out from them. In the center were Kurogiri, Shigaraki and a large, muscular bird monster.

"Where is All Might?! Master said he would be here and I don't see that blond buffoon!" Shigaraki grumbled out, his hands going to itch at his neck, nails digging into his skin.

As Kurogiri tried to assure the blue haired male that the blond hero would be coming in any minute, Aizawa defeated every goon that dared to approach him. Using his quirk, he disabled the quirks of the goons he could see, tied them up with his scarf and slammed them to the ground in small groups until around half of the goons were still conscious.

Deciding the proper time was now, Kurogiri used his quirk to separate all the students into groups at all the different disaster locations, making sure they would go to where their quirks wouldn't help them much from having read their files on their quirks.

Aizawa saw what the mist man was doing as he took down goon after goon that tried to fight him. How do they know my students' quirks? Were they the cause of that alarm a couple days ago, he thought to himself as he remembered what had happened that day.

He remembered that it was around lunchtime, and all the students were in the cafeteria eating their lunches when the press somehow disintegrated the protective gate of the school, causing the alarm to go off and cause a panic. Either of the two villains at the center fountain must have caused the alarm to go off and taken those files that Nezu said he couldn't find or used the opportunity to do so. But now that didn't matter, what matters now is that these two villains get taken care of and arrested for their crimes.

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