ニ: It Rains In Here, Too

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Time passed slowly in the endless black and liquidy darkness of Izuku's mind. His small, unconscious body sank down into the cold and dark liquid, consuming him slowly and seeping into his very DNA. Izuku's small black and white eyes concealed by delicate white skin, unaware of the chaos happening outside the quiet space that made up the black liquid of his mind.


Doctors and nurses pulled the gurney holding a small, unconscious albino child in a panic. The wheels screeched against the marble tiles of the almost sterile-feeling hospital, the rushing of feet and the slam of doors as those nurses and doctors brought Izuku into an empty room for him to occupy.

"The child is bleeding under his head from the impact onto the floor, but there is a chance a fragment of his skull cracked and lodged into a part of his brain," a nurse said, turning the boy onto his stomach and moving his snow-white and crimson-stained hair to reveal the bleeding wound.

A doctor examined the wound, moving the sides of the bleeding area with his gloved fingers. He inspected the wound as best as he could, getting devices to look closer and deeper into the wound and finding some bits of bone. "I have found small broken pieces of the skull inside the wound, I need a small set of tweezers."

The nurse rolled a metal tray with tweezers, needles and stitching material on it, putting it to the man's right side. The doctor grabbed the smallest pair of tweezers that would fit into the wound, carefully removing each broken and cracked piece of bone from the exposed portion of his head, placing them onto another metal tray.


Days went by inside the hospital without Izuku waking up, it now being a week since the doctor stitched his wound back together. Toshinori sat in the waiting area near his son's room, the uncomfortable and small chair getting flat as the time passed.

A doctor came out of the young boy's room, going to the blond man. "Yagi-san, your son has woken up and is now ready to be discharged. Would you like to take him out now?"

"Yes, I think I should be taking him home right now. It is very late and it is pouring outside. But thank you for taking care of my son," Toshinori said, walking into Izuku's room and taking his hand harshly.

The boy didn't resist being tugged by his father out of the hospital and into the parking lot, speed-walking until they reached the car. Letting go of the snowy-pale hand, Toshinori growled at his son, "Get in the car brat, you have already wasted enough of my time. Why do I even bother with you?" He sighed as he got into the driver's seat, Izuku getting into the back seat in silence.


The world was black liquid again as the albino's sleeping body floated in the inner dimension. Bubbles came from his nose as he breathed in and out, his lungs taking in air for him to live.

The blackness suddenly shifted around Izuku, as a strange figure floated in front of him, making him open his black and white eyes. The boy saw a completely black figure with a strange white mask and long white hair, the same color as his own. The thing's head had two, forward-pointing horns coming from the sides of its head. A red, heart-like organ sat in its chest, beating very slightly. The thing had two long black blades in place of forearms, sharp and rigid.

Izuku looked up to the things white mask, seeing a sliver of red in the eye holes on the mask. "Who are you?"

The thing growled deeply, inhumanly it seemed. It should have scared Izuku, but it felt..... familiar.... Almost comforting. It wrapped the top parts of its arms around the small boy, bringing him to its chest, near its 'heart'.

The thing then started to purr softly, its chest rumbling from the noise. From the soft purring coming from the thing, Izuku started to fall into full slumber, holding onto the creature holding him knowing he was safe and sound in its arms.

A Hollow's Rencarnation: An Izuku Yagi StoryWhere stories live. Discover now