七: How Horrible It Is To Get Rained On When You Are All Alone In An Empty World

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(I'm so sorry for having you all wait over a month for this chapter! I wanted to make it good and school came up so I hope you guys are alright with my tiny break and the Kirishima appearance in this chapter! See you later!)

Bakugo Katsuki was currently blasting through the physical portion of the U.A Entrance Exam, each robot nothing but scraps of metal in the path of his fury and explosions, no matter if someone else was there, those points were his and the extras didn't deserve to be better than him.

Robot after robot were damaged and eliminated as the teen went, his points stacking up from each robot being destroyed. All the points he was accumulating had put him nicely in first place, as shown by a screen in the observation room where the staff are watching this take place.

Bakugo didn't care just how he got his points, as long as he got the points and had the most of them to prove he is the best first year student to the teachers. To prove how he is the future number one hero and how he is the best, to prove that he is right.


Meanwhile, a certain current number one hero is standing in the room where the scores are placed for those participating in the entrance exam. He is currently talking with Nezu about a strange person he has seen recently in the halls of U.A. High.

"Nezu, I'm curious about something, and I was wondering if you could answer something for me," All Might said, looking at the camera recording of the entrance exam displayed on the large screen of the room.

"What is it All Might? What do you wish to speak to me about?"

"Well," the extremely muscular man started, looking at the screen in front of the room, which displayed many competitors in the exam from the many cameras in the exam site. "I have been seeing a strange woman, dressed in all white with skin and hair as pale as snow. Is this lady a staff member, or is she a second or even a third year?"

Processing all the information All Might gave him, Nezu then chuckled lightly and it eventually turned into a throaty laugh, the laugh confusing the older hero.

"Why are you laughing Nezu? Was something I said funny?" All Might asked with inquisitiveness, something on his brain not registering that Nezu thought he was joking when he said those words.

Nezu slowly begins to calm down, then clears his throat. "My apologies for laughing All Might, but the person you mentioned isn't a woman, he is one of our special students here. I'm not surprised if you have been seeing Shirosaki-kun training in Gym Gamma with his blades, but he gave a recommendation for you to leave him be and expects you to follow that."

"Oh, that was a boy?" All Might mumbled in slight surprise, then started again. "But he has such long hair, it practically reaches his waist and his clothes cover his figure, so it makes it hard to tell if he would be a boy or not."


The day had come, it had been around a week after he participated in the entrance exam of U.A. And now, in his hands was a metal disk with a little glass semi-circle dome in the middle, the disk that would say if he got accepted into U.A. High or not.

He pressed the button on the very side of the device, with a hologram of a tall, buff man in a strange yellow striped suit treating him.

"Ah, hello there... uh... what is this kid's name...? Eijiro?" The man started, then whispering to the people behind the camera about his name. He then cleared his throat and continued, "Ah yes, Kirishima Eijiro! I have some news for you, my boy!"

Eijiro's mind raced with scenarios of what this news could possibly be, was he accepted? Did he not get enough points to get in...? Was his quirk not good enough to get into the greatest hero school in the country? His thoughts were stopped once All Might spoke again.

"Congratulations for your stop of 2nd place in our exam, with 39 Villain points and 35 Rescue points! That means you had a total of 74 points, one of the highest scores this school has ever seen! Your uniform will arrive in 2 days time, perfectly fit for you by our team, and we all hope to see you in school. And remember... PLUS ULTRA!"

The hologram then flashed off, leaving Eijiro to sit there and process those words uttered from the hero's mouth. Did he hear him right? He got into U.A.?

Eijiro immediately got up from his chair and ran down the stairs, where his mother and father were on the couch in the family room.

"Mom! Dad! I got into U.A.!"

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