She certainly inherited her mother's appetite.

Mikasa: Agnes, eat slower, please. You might choke.

Agnes: Sorry, Mama. It's just... your cooking is so good!

Mikasa blushed.

Mikasa: I just... followed the recipe is all... say... would you like to go to Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend?

The girls eyes widened.

Agnes: Yes! I do! I do!

Mikasa: Okay. That sounds like a plan.

The small girl was overflowing with excitement. The two finished eating. The sun had set. And now Mikasa was tucking in her daughter for bed.

Agnes: Can I stay home from school tomorrow?

Mikasa: No.

Agnes: Why?

Mikasa: Because. You have to go to school. You need it.

Agnes: It's so boring.

Mikasa: I know it is, but... you'll be glad you did.

Agnes: Did you go to school?

Mikasa: Sort of. Back then, school was very expensive. And I lived in a poor area. So I, like many kids, had to do homeschooling.

Agnes: Homeschooling? I want to do homeschooling!

Mikasa: I don't know how to do any of that.

Agnes: I don't care. I'd much rather learn from you than my teacher.

Mikasa smiled.

Mikasa: We'll talk about this more some other time, okay?

Agnes: Okay...

Mikasa: Now get some sleep, my little Bear.

Mikasa said before showering her face with kisses. As she turned to leave, Agnes said one final thing.

Agnes: I love you, Mama.

The woman froze in place.

Mikasa: I love you too. More than anything in the whole world.

She closed her bedroom door, wiping tears from her eyes as she walked to her room.

As she lay in her bed, she stared at the ceiling, wondering how she got so lucky.


Flashback, six months after the battle of Heaven and Earth.

Mikasa was a mess. Sleeping all day. Crying whenever she was awake. Hardly going out and socializing. Hardly speaking at entirely.

And not to mention the frightening amount of alcohol she's been consuming.

She was currently staying at a hotel. And she was visiting the bar that was connected to it. At her table, she rested her head in her hand as her eyes were glued to the bottle in her hand. Once again, drinking away her problems.

?: Excuse me?

Another woman said, but Mikasa ignored.

?: Madam?

The woman then put a hand on Mikasa's shoulder, causing her to look up and see none other than Sasha's mother.

Lisa: I knew it was you. Oh, you poor thing. C'mon, Darlin'. Let's get you outta here. This is no place for a lady.

 The Book Of A Scout Where stories live. Discover now