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The field was littered with corpses. Body parts and innards were everywhere. The beast titan proudly gazed out across his work, feeling satisfied.

Beast titan: Aww, you poor things.

He looked to his right in shock to see all of his titans dead.

Beast Titan: How'd that happen?

An anchor fired through the smoke and latched onto his shoulder. Suddenly, a rage filled Levi came flying out through the smoke. The beast titan roared with frustration as he sent its claws towards him.
But Levi dodged it and spiraled down his arm, slicing it the entire way.

The beast titans' arm exploded into multiple bits. Levi approached from behind, causing the beast to quickly cover his nape. But instead, levi sliced through his eyes. He then sliced both his heels, causing it to slump down onto its knees.

Levi: What happened to all the fun you were having?!

The man growled out. Levi fell down towards his nape as the beast tried to harden it. But it was no use as levi was far too quick. The man eviscerated the beast titans nape. The man inside came flying out, and Levi thrusted his sword into his mouth.

Levi: After transforming, if your body's severely damaged, it's too busy healing to let you transform. Isn't that right?

Levi pushed the blade further in, causing the top to pop out of his eye.

Levi: Hey, answer me. Learn some manners.

Levi's thoughts: I shouldn't kill him yet. Is anyone out here still alive? I could find Y/n. Maybe he's alive. If he is, even on the brink of death, this injection will make him a titan. I can have him eat this guy and steal the beast titans' power. Y/n... please...

The ground began to rumble, and then suddenly, that titan with a cart on its back came diving in with its mouth wide open. It scooped up zeke in its mouth and ran off.

Levi: Hey... where are you going? Stop...

He called out helplessly. All of the Titans left, turned, and looked at Levi before dashing towards him.


As the titans fell in the distance, floch sat up. He was surrounded by his slaughtered comerades.

Floch: Why... am I... alive? The others...

Floch shakily stood up and began slowly walking towards the wall.

Floch: Hey! Is anyone else alive?!

The world had a surreal feal to it. It was hell. Floch ended up finding a barely alive commander, erwin.

Not far away, Marlo struggled to climb out from under his horse.
As he shakily stood up, he examined himself to see cuts all over his body as well as a sprained wrist. He winced in pain as he looked around and began walking towards the wall, just as floch did. But as he walked, he tripped over a corpse. Marlo dredded, looking to see who it was, but he couldn't help himself. It was Sargeant Y/n Langnar.

Marlo: S-Sargeant?!

Marlo didn't expect much, but he still checked for a pulse. And to his surprise, he had one. It was unstable, but the Sargeant was just barely clinging to life. Marlo tore off a piece of his cloak and tied it tightly around his head.

Marlo: The Syringe! We can use it on the Sargeant!

Marlo lifted up y/n and began heading towards the wall.


Floch: Captain... levi... I finally found you. Commander Erwin is badly wounded! His stomach is gouged, and his organs are demolished! The blood just won't stop! I thought the injection might be able to help, but... what do you think?

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