The End

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Levi and Hange stood near the railing of the boat. Below, waves crashed into the side of it.

Levi: Once again, he's managed to evade death. Bastard won't stay down, I guess.

Hange: Hm... Well... you remember all those speeches Erwin would give about the fighting spirit.

Levi: Well, I'd say he's got far worse than just a fighting spirit. I don't know what the hell happened to him. I don't know if it was that rock that nearly took off his head that did something to his brain, and it turned him into a psychopath or what... I just...

Levi hung his head. Bandages were rapped around his wounds. Missing fingers and nasty cuts on his face.

Levi: I wish I understood.

Hange looked at him sadly.

Hange: It's not your fault. There's no stopping his ambitions. He's just like Eren.

Levi: Is that right...?

Levi said, his voice trailing off as he gazed out across the waves.


Y/n sat upright in a chair, one leg crossed over the other. The man had his journal out and was drawing a picture of a deer. A dead one. It's side torn open with his entrails spilling out. Mikasa, who quietly entered the room, peered over his shoulder down at his artwork. The girl had a worried look in her eye.

Flashback, four months before Y/n took power...

Sasha, Mikasa, and Y/n were walking back to the port with supplies. Sasha rambled on to Mikasa, who only sort of listened to her.

Sasha: I've heard talks of big feast tonight! It's all I've been able to think about! What about you, Y/n? Aren't you excited?

Y/n hummed in response, causing Sasha to scoff and groan.

Sasha: What's with you? You've been such a bummer recently.

Y/n: I'm tired, Sasha.

Sasha: So am I, but you don't see me complaining.

Y/n: Whatever you say.

Y/n replied in a deadpan tone.

Sasha: I can smell the food in these boxes! I can smell the...

Sasha paused. The two turned and looked at her with confusion to see that her face had contorted into one of disgust.

Mikasa: What's wrong?

Sasha: Somethin' smells rotten.

The girl said in her unique accent.

Sasha: There.

The three of them walked over to the side of the rode to see a deer. A dead one. Rotting from the inside out. Mikasa and Sasha looked at with sadness and disgust. While Y/n just stared at it blankly.

Mikasa: C-Come on. We should get going.

Sasha: Right.

The two continued down the road. Mikasa stopped and looked over her shoulder to see Y/n still standing there staring at it.

Mikasa: Y/n?

Nothing. The boy didn't move a muscle. He was seemingly entranced.

Mikasa: Y/n.

Mikasa said with a sharp tone in her voice. Y/n flinched and looked over at her.

Y/n: Oh... right...

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