Prologue (Part 6)

Start from the beginning

Hiko looks at the man with an upset expression (😠) and the man sighs, annoyed. "Well, I guess I'll tell you who I am then. I'm Hiroshi Furutani, Ultimate Ringmaster of my family circus." He says proudly.

" He says proudly

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I sigh. "Uh, cool? Didn't mean to take up your time, can we go now."

Hiroshi let's out a loud scoff, "You want to leave? That's fine, go ahead then, peasant."

Instantly, Hiko and I walk away, saying nothing else.

Up ahead, in the trailer right before the park entryway, where we had previously gone, we see a blond girl walking around a trailer, and we assume it was the girl Aki had mentioned before. We approach her.

"...and the walls seem mostly secured, if not a bit flimsy on the edges... Seems about normal for a usual trailer, I guess..." We hear her muttering to herself, as we finally get to her and she turns around quickly. "HIYAH!" The girl shouts before staring at us for half a moment. "Oh yeah, I forgot how dramatic I am."

Welp, this is interesting, I guess? What is she, a martial artist?

The girl leans against the wall and squints at Hiko. "Hey, weren't you in that Drag Competition about a month ago?"

Surprised, Hiko nods. "Oh, uhm, yeah I was!"

The girl chuckles. "My brother was in that competition too, he was the one with the light blue wig and that white dress I let him borrow. You did really good, didn't you get 3rd place out of 30 contestants?"

Hiko blushes a bit and nods again,."Oh, yeah I did! Didn't your brother get 6th, if I remember right?"

She nods. "Yep, that's right!" She pauses. "Oh yeah, my name is Ayano Nii, it's good to meet y'all!"

 "Oh yeah, my name is Ayano Nii, it's good to meet y'all!"

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I raise my eyebrow. "And what's your talent?" She freezes half a second, before she realizes I had asked her something.

"Oh, I'm the Ultimate Stage Actress!" She smiles, and I nod. "I'm Kameko Morioka and this is Masahiko Fujita, Jack-of-All-Trades and Drag Queen, respectively."

Ayano nods. "Alrighty, well, I'ma keep checking out the trailers and stuff, and hey, just call me Aya, if ya want. I mean, Nii, Ayano, Aya, Yano, Nii-San, whatever you'd like it fine!" And just like that, she was back to her little investigation. Hiko and I sigh, and continue on.

Going back into the garden area, we see that the girls were still there, but Kamei was gone, probably still investigating. Going to the other gate, we see that it has a comically large lock on it.

Walking back through the gate we had previously gone through, we see that Suzume and Hotaka are gone, and two others have taken their place. Both with blue hair, one a boy and the other a girl. The girl was covered in bandages and the boy looked ready to build a snowman based on his attire. The boy was happily chatting with the girl, who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. Hiko runs up to them and I follow suit.

"...and that's why snow cones are the best thing ever in the world!" The boy finishes excitedly as Hiko and I come up to them, and the girl glances at us.

The girl sighs under her breath. "Who are you?" Only after she says this does the boy look at us, realizing that we were there finally. "Oh hiii! Sorry, I didn't see you! Who are you?" The girl side eyes the boy after he says this.

Hiko chuckles as I sigh, and Hiko responds. "It's cool! I'm Masahiko Fujita and this is Kameko Morioka! I'm the Ultimate Drag Queen and Kam is the Ultimate Jack-of-All-Trades, by the way!"

The girl seems to stare at me for a few moments as the boy grins. "Coolio! I'm Hitoshi Nagata, the Ultimate Skiier!"

 "Coolio! I'm Hitoshi Nagata, the Ultimate Skiier!"

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He grins wider and turns to the girl. "C'mon Kameyo! Introduce yourself already!" The girl sighs, seeming aggravated.

"Kameyo Hironaka. Ultimate Unlucky Student." She says in a monotone voice, pushing a bandage on her face so it sticks batter, and crossing her arms.

" She says in a monotone voice, pushing a bandage on her face so it sticks batter, and crossing her arms

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Hitoshi claps a few times. "Good job, ya introverted ingrained ivory insect inchworm ice cream inhale injury!"

Kameyo blinks at him and places her hand on her forehead, "Hitoshi, are you stupid on purpose or are you just a fucking imbecile?" Hitoshi shrugs. "You're just upset that I know so many words!" Kameyo scowls. "I know plenty more words than you, you irrelevant parasite!"

Through their bickering, an announcement plays over a loudspeaker, the voice distorted. "All participants, make your way to the locked gate in the garden. If you cannot find your way... Then ask someone else, you lazy children!"

After hearing this, all four of us look at each other, and turn to the gate in near unison. After a few moments, we all sit on the edge of the fountain, and wait.

(We're finally done with introductions, y'all! Time for the actual story!)

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