The First Mission...For The Memories.

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Drag0n: Well here we are! The next chapter!

Juri: Bout time. I want my shift to end already.

Drag0n: Hey you could have said no.

Juri: You said I'd get paid.

Drag0n: Hey this ain't no picknick for me either. I couldn't get who I originally wanted.

Juri: I wasn't even your first choice!?

Drag0n: Mai was busy!!!

Husk: Damn. Second fiddle

Juri: You stay out of this!

Drag0n: Anyways the trio is about to embark on its first official mission and boy is it a fun one.

Nifty: How fun?

Drag0n: Bug hunting fun!

Nifty: OOOOHHHHH!!!!

Husk: Crap.

Juri: I don't get it.

Husk: For her that's like going to the amusement park.

Juri: Ah.

Drag0n: Now place your orders and on with the show!!!

Miles Morales let out a resolute huff as he walked forward. It was time for his first mission along with Izuku and Ruby and he was pumped. He looked around the streets and in all honestly, he couldn't believe how normal it looked. A modern city with people going about their day bustling through the streets. If he didn't know any better, he would never believe it was a different world from his own.

"You guys ready for this?" Miles asked looking at his two companions. Though he already knew the answer

"Nope," Ruby denied.

"N-Not really," Izuku stuttered.


Maybe he didn't know the answer.

"How come your not excited?" Miles asked. "We're in a different world!" He whispered the last part as people came walking by. Xena had made it very clear no one else could know about their status.

"Oh please," Ruby scoffed. "The only reason you're so excited is because the mission is taking place during a party," She, said pointing at the large house in front of them. Within the widows flashing lights could be seen along with silhouettes dancing to a song playing within the confines of the house.

Indeed, the location of their first mission was a house where a party happened to be taking place. According to the details Xero had given them, whatever happened during the party is the reason everything went wrong.

"But why does our first mission have to be during a party," Ruby groaned.

"It could be worse," Izuku offered weakly. Although the shaking of his knees wasn't helping his case.

"I'm just glad they had a clothes fabricator," Miles chuckled. "Gotta keep the threads fresh.

"I still don't know how you got us in these clothes," Ruby moaned looking down at her outfit making Izuku do the same.

"Cause we look good," Miles smirked.

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