Save her!

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Drag0n5on: Welcome back!!! (Pours a drink and slides it over)

Drag0n5on: Consider that one on the house since you actually came back. Which lets me know that my story is interesting. This time around I'll keep it short so you can get into the story. So Enjoy!

Izuku Midoriya looked into the sunken blue eyes of the man that had been his idol as he answered the question he had so desperately needed an answer too.

All Might looked at Izuku with a serious face. He began to speak.

Izuku woke up with a start. He took in a deep breath as his eyes frantically searched his surroundings before letting out a sigh. He was back in his room.

"That dream again," The green haired teen sighed. Then without much more preamble he pushed himself out of bed because he knew if he didn't he wouldn't have wanted to get up at all. But he had too. He had things to do today.

After a few stretches he grabbed his backpack and made his way to his door. He stopped briefly before looking around at the barren walls and surfaces. Signs of things having been there being obvious.

"I really need to put something new up," He muttered before walking out.

He grabbed the mail and went through them. As expected there were notices for overdue bills as well as a few things for his mom. Then he got to the last letter and felt his eyes widen. He placed the rest of the mail onto the table and quickly ripped open the one he had been looking for and scanned through the letter.

Sadly the more he read the more depressed he got. Finally he finished the last sentence and let out a sigh.

"Should have expected that," He said sadly before throwing the letter away. After a quick and quiet breakfast he made his way out in the world. Something he was relieved for. Staying in the apartment was hard to do.

He walked through the city of Mustafu to begin his day the first destination in his mind. However before he could get there there was an explosion. Izuku himself let out a sigh as he realized what was happening. He knew he should go another way to avoid it.


"Can't help what you love right," He chuckled mirthlessly as he made his way towards the chaos.

"Now some of you may be wondering what would posses a young teen to run towards an explosion.

Well besides adolescent curiosity. You see Izuku lives in a very special time. Two hundred years ago a glowing baby was born glowing. Soon after many infants were showing signs of abilities unseen by man until that day and only seen in books and television.

These abilities came to be known as quirks and they changed the way society worked. Soon everything began to revolve around quirks, sports, business, entertainment and more. But after a while it soon lead to an age thought to only live in entertainment. 

The age of Heroes.

"How dare you attack an old lady!" A buff man with giant arms shouted as he ran after someone.

"Just leave me alone hero!" A man shouted throwing meteors  at the attacking hero.

"Death Arms huh," Izuku said staying near the back of the crowd. "Wonder if he would remember me," He muttered recalling the last time he had run into the hero. Izuku certainly hoped  he didn't.  The last time they had met had not been pleasant for the green haired teen. Izuku watched the chase with a despondent but analytical eye.

"Why doesn't he just punch through them," Izuku muttered. "He could do that to push through the flames to attack the villain head on instead of this cat and mouse game," His keen eyes moved over to the person he was chasing. "He's shooting off balls of dirt surrounded in fire making them look like meteors so its still something solid. Death arms should have more than enough power to destroy them with ease,"

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