"Oh look who we have here girls?" Mini- skirt spoke up with an arrogant smirk on her hideous make up caked face.

"Oh and who are you?" I replied placing my hand on my hip and giving her a death glare.

" I'm Natalie."

"Okay? What importance is that to me?" I said to her, raising my eyebrow. The girls around us stayed silent.

Mini skirt remained speechless with a dumb look on her face.

The dumb look was replaced with a bitch glare.

"You're such a whore. I don't know why Harry would even be with you, let alone keep your baby. If I was him I would've demanded an abortion. A beautiful star like him can't have a child with someone as ugly as you." She spat out with a venomous tone. The look of false victory on her face made my want the punch the light out of this bitch.

" I'm a whore? You don't even know me little girl. You don't even know Harry. He isn't brainless or blind enough to want to be with someone as rude and awful as you Hun. Sorry if I crushed your dreams."

She scoffed, anger filling her features. Next thing I know she attempted the throw a punch at me.

I say attempted because her small fist never even came close to hitting me.

Let's just say she may or may not be sporting a rug burn.

I turned towards the rest of the girls in the crowd and smiled.

"I hope you people have an amazing day. I am going to have to ask you to leave though, because it's rude to stalk people when they are visiting personal family members in the hospital."  I spoke loudly, putting on the fakest smile. Soon enough the lobby was cleared and I was in the elevator.

Without hesitation I made my way to the room,only finding Zayn sitting down alone.

I walked over and sat beside him, smiling slightly. I began to remember the first time I met the boys.

"I walked closer to them with Simon right behind me.

"Who's this?" A guy with curly hair and piercing, emerald-green eyes asked, gesturing towards me.

"Boys , this is Lenna, your new bodyguard." Simon announced in a not very excited manner.

Then a guy with weird emo brown hair burst out with laughter. He looks like a weird person... Ugh what have I done?

"Ha, very funny joke Simon, but seriously where's our real bodyguard?!" The weird boy questioned loudly. I feel slightly insulted

"I'm right here." I said, with my arms crossed, glaring at him.

Once he realized I wasn't kidding he looked at me then the other boys.

"There's no way you could be our bodyguard!" the guy, with olive-toned skin and jet black hair, said looking at me.

"Wanna bet?" I spat slightly annoyed, looking at him.

Who did these guys think I am? Why did they think it was a joke?

"Yeah sure." he said walking closer to me like the idiot he is?

"Sorry, but not sorry " I said to the boy.

I then proceeded to I flip the boy over and knee him in the stomach. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground clutching his stomach. the other boys look at me with shock, fear, and curiosity.

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