Zaero Pichu

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Side Story Canonicity Status: Fully Canon


TW: Implied Mention of $ui¢idal Thoughts

Zaero: <Hey, can I talk to you during lunch today? :Jiba_Curious:>

Little Spooks (Ghouler42069): <Ya, sure.>

Little Spooks (Ghouler42069): <Do you need Serious Ghouler :japanese_ogre: or whimsical Ghouler :fairy: ?>

Zaero: <Serious please /gen>

Little Spooks (Ghouler42069): <I gotchu Chu-Chu!>

Zaero: <How many times have I told you not to call me that...? /lh>

Little Spooks (Ghouler42069): <Not enough for me to listen! :sparkles:>

Zaero: <You know what, I'm gonna give you a dumb nickname now.>

Zaero: I thought about it for a bit before laughing a little and entering the name in.

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <Oh no, I'm so scared! :scream_cat:>

Zaero: <Screenshot 2024-04-10 170052.png>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <WHAT>

Zaero: <HELP>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <THAT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY WHAT DO YOU MEAN>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <STOP LAUGHING TO YOURSELF, IT'S NOT THAT FUNNY>


Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <Because I know how dumb your sense of humor is :boom:>

Zaero: <Man. /lh>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <GET OFF DISCORD AND DO YOUR WORK :smiley:>

Zaero: <I don't wanna. Besides, we both know that Mr. Garchomp does not give a fuck if we're on our phones :Gusty_Skull:>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <Grrr, I'm letting you off easy this time, but I will get you one day. You'll be begging to be let go when I arrest you. :imp:>

Zaero: <That's hot>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <Well you can fuck me later, you're still in class. :star_struck:>

Zaero: <WHAT?!?!?!>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <Sorry, typo :yum:>

Zaero: <Okay.>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <My bad.>

Little Bitchboy (Ghouler42069): <Rhyhorn>

Zaero: I reacted with a thumbs up. Mx. Rhyhorn was one of the strictest teachers in our school. Luckily they can't see very well but if they find you on your phone, good luck seeing it again before next decade. I looked up from my phone to see Mr. Garchomp standing in front of my desk, looking at it, then me.

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