Chapter 2: Post-Punishment - Ternovuh

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Side Story Canonicity Status: Fully Canon


Ternovuh: I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. Watching Mark struggle for his life. It felt awful. I was a part of this. I contributed to his death, even if only a tiny bit. But... if it wasn't him, it'd be all of us, right? 


Ternovuh: Silence brewed for a moment before someone spoke up.

Rena: "E-execution...?"

Ekolo: "...?"

Rena: "Mark... He was executed, and he's not coming back?"

Houndoom: "Nope! The only way you'll see him again is if you die too!"

Rena: "He's really... So he's..."

Reiko: "Rena, are you okay?"

Houndoom: "The elevator's open now so you all can return!"

Ternovuh: Most everyone walked over to the elevator after that, including myself. I walked over to Sheik. I held his hand, squeezing it with my own in an attempt to comfort him a little. He smiled, but it was a fake smile, forced. Not a sound was made the entire time the elevator outside of the small clinks and clunks it occasionally made. Eventually the doors opened. Vika quickly ran out, but turned around to face us.

Vika: "I know we're all tired, so let's try and get some sleep if possible. If you can't though, I'll be in the library, so I can keep you company for a while. ...And, I-" She takes in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, for making you guys do those activities. It... ended up making things much more complicated and kind of assisted in the murder..." She started to walk away, but Saturn ran after her.

Ternovuh: Saturn said something to her, but honestly, I couldn't listen to it. I was already tuning everything out at this point. I stared off, starting to disassociate. I felt someone dragging my arm along, and I just went with it. Eventually it stopped and the noise from before was gone. Actually, it wasn't gone, just much quieter and different sounding. I attempted to refocus myself, closing my eyes, getting a shiver.

Sheik: "H-hey, a-are- should I get someone?"

Ternovuh: "Ah... Sorry. I kind of... tuned every out and like... dissociated for a bit there..."

Sheik: "O-okay. ...Are you okay?"

Ternovuh: I hesitated in answering for a bit before sighing and shaking my head. I didn't realize it, but I had started crying a bit.

Sheik: He wiped a tear from my eye before hugging me. "You're safe... You're with me, and if anyone wants to hurt you, they'll need to get through me first."

Ternovuh: Despite how cold the rest of my body was, I could feel my face warm up. I looked down at him. My body didn't know how to react. Whether it was from the situation, what led up to it or just my own fluster is unclear to me, but it doesn't matter either way.

Sheik: "Here, let's go into my room for some privacy. You can lie down and I'll get us some warm drinks from the kitchen, okay?"

Ternovuh: "...O-okay, th-thank you..." I hate this feeling. Why am I like this? I can't be feeling this way, not here, not now. I can't torture myself like this, and if he knows, it'll be worse...

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