0.8 | 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢

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Almond shook his head at the thought, chasing after Roguefort as they ran the streets, rounding into an Alley.
But, for once, Almond caught up to them.
They panicked, and Almond managed to cuff one of their arms.
They gasped, stumbling back slightly.
Almond smiled "Gotcha."
Roguefort struggled slightly, their free hand clutching the bag of Chrysotile, and the other cuffed, with Almond holding the other end taut.
They couldn't escape this time, they were stuck, for once.
They looked around, trying to figure out something to escape, when they hear the other cuff being locked around their free hand.
Almond smiled, he finally caught them.
After years of chases and stolen gems, he'd finally caught them.
Roguefort looked around, they couldn't be caught now, not like this.
They had an idea, calling their cat, Crumbles .
In ways I can't explain properly (pspspspspspsps), their cat treads over from a rooftop, and hopped down into Rogueforts hair without the detectives notice.
It was only when Roguefort hopped up into the air, and actually flew up, did he start to actually question the thief's capabilities.
He didn't even realise the cat, which, he didn't know was there, also stole the key to the handcuffs while he wasn't looking.
He cursed under his breath, trying to catch up to Roguefort via rooftops but by the time he got up..
They escaped.


" evadere "


The midnight air was cold as Roguefort walked home, cuffs in hand.
Perhaps they'd return it with their next card, just a little gratitude for the near catch, right?
Besides, they loved their dear detective, and he does need these handcuffs back.
They open the front door, Crumbles hopping out of Rogueforts hair with a meow, then stepping inside.
Roguefort hummed, getting changed and putting away their Chrysotile.
The reasoning would just be for future enemies, Chrysotile *is* known for giving cancer to those who don't handle it properly.
They could probably throw it at their enemies, like a bomb.
The detective wouldn't know anyway, it was silly.

They sat at their desk, grabbing an envelope and some paper, then grabbing their favourite pen and writing out their next calling card for the detective.
They also punched a hole near the corner of the envelope, to which they lock one end of the handcuff on, and fold their letter up neatly into the envelope, along with the handcuffs keys.
While they liked escaping, they didn't like souvenirs that weren't gems.
And while keeping the handcuffs would make it harder for the detective to catch them.. they didn't necessarily want that.
They like the thrill, the thought of being arrested their motivation to keep going.
They smile, seal the letter shut, and open their door once more.
With a smile, they walk In their civil attire down to Almonds office, sliding the letter into the slot and quickly running off before the Detective could even wonder who left it.

While the detective was filing some information about the failed capture, he saw an envelope go into the slot, and he raised a brow.
He immediately sighed, he only knew one person who would send him a card at this time.
He stood up, grabbing the envelope off the floor and sitting back at his desk.
He grabbed a letter opener;
While he did enjoy the elegant packaging, and did his best not to ruin it or the wax stamp they'd put to close it, he kept the envelopes.
They were pretty, admittedly enough.
He then noticed the card had his handcuffs attached.
He was puzzled, why would they even bother returning this?
He even found the keys for it inside the envelope, along with the letter and a chocolate.
He read the letter:

' Dear, Detective

I hope the evening has been well! Apologies for leaving you without your handcuffs, too much for me to take honestly, and I've gotten what I need already!
While I cannot share full details, it's for emergencies, you know what Chrysotile can do, right? It's for certain occasions, if you will.
While I won't let you catch me, I'll gladly return whatever it is you tried to apprehend me with.
And you may ask yourself; but why? Well dear detective, I like the game we've set up.
Like a game of cops and robbers, you can't play without something to apprehend the criminal, and it isn't so fun anymore.
I enjoy the fun, and I enjoy our little game very much dear detective, and I certainly don't want it to end.
Though the game may end eventually, it won't be any time soon, so until then..
Keep chasing me, my detective, and I will soon be apprehended.

Adieu, beau joueur~
- Roguefort '

Almond paused after reading, smiling slightly.
Did they *really* return his handcuffs, without doing anything to it whatsoever?
He chuckled softly, putting the letter with the other ones he's been collecting in a locked drawer at his desk.
Once he'd finished filing Rogueforts information, he went home to find a fast asleep Walnut, still in her pajamas with the TV playing after hour cartoons.
He chuckled, went over, and gently shook Walnut awake.
She sat up, looking around dazed.
"Dad?.. oh- I hear what happened.. did Roguefort get away?.."
"Yes they did" he responded softly.
"Aww.. you almost got them though.." she'd yawn tiredly as she said that, hugging her dad.
"You'll get them next time.." she responded sleepily, smiling softly.
Almond smiled, Walnut was always so sweet..
He brought her off to her bedroom, she sleepily muttered a good night, and then shut the door.
Almond went off to his room as well, laying in bed and staring up at the ceiling.
He wondered what the very last bit of Rogueforts calling card meant, he should consult Madeleine again..
Whatever, he'll figure it out tomorrow.
Right now? He just needs a nice rest.
He dozed off, his uniform still on our of exhaustion, and the fact he doesn't want to change right now.


" dare una mano a qn. "


Roguefort meanwhile, they stayed up.
They did chores for the night, such as mopping the floor and cleaning up.
They glance at a family portrait, holding it up.
They stared at the photo of them with their siblings, they smiled softly, taking the photo to their room, setting it down on their night stand before exiting the room.
They cleaned up before going to bed.

They wondered what they'd do if Almond found out, they were always afraid of commitment, they could never fully commit themselves to a relationship.
They don't want too.
So to figure out how they would get through Almonds heart without absolutely breaking him about it.
For now, however, they'll sleep.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

My Dear Jewel~ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz