Chapter 1:

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I walk through the halls of our golden palace. Well it seems that way for the public but the whole family can see it's tainted in blood.

Being a Princess is not for the faint hearted but you have to seem faint hearted. Or slutty. Either one, but you can't be both or none.

Being a King or a Prince though, you have to seem brave. But truth is most princes are the opposite, they are lazy, arrogant, and narcissistic.

Adrienne and Saybelle are the perfect targets. My childhood was ruined the moment Adrienne came along, bronze skin, brown hair, deep blue eyes and all. I had suspected of the affair for a while. But she was the truth my dad was looking for. He wanted a divorce, my mom convinced him to stay. For me. And Saybelle. He pretended Adrienne was his child, but mom and I knew we were just waiting for him to crack.


My hands touch the soft fabric of the dress. It glides and gleams as it moves. Twisting, and twirling like a snake. The ball to celebrate my father is tonight. I am wanted to wear a sky blue dress because he always said i looked amazing. This dress is not exactly sky blue, more teal. But it is too late to change it and Scarlett just looks so excited.

"Do you like it Princess Gabriella?" Her smile is evident even as she tries to regain her posture.

"It has seamless execution Scarlett." I twirl for her, the open back of the dress showing my pale skin. I take after my mother, pale with blonde locks. Saybelle looks like a perfect mix of my mother and father, pale skin, but glistening straight black hair. Adrienne's bronze skin may have resembled our Fathers but no one in our family for generations has had that shade of straight brown hair. It was too silky, not thick enough, but still quite thick. All of our family's hair was very thick. My eyes are green, as are Saybelle's, however Adrienne's are a dark blue, almost black, but the farthest away color from black there ever was. She is beautiful but I had never been close to her. She destroyed my picture perfect life in one second, just by being born.

"Has Adrienne or Saybelle found a dress yet?" Scarlet says hopefully.

"I'm sure they have. But maybe next time." I smile hesitantly, Scarlet designing a dress for either of my little sisters would be huge. Tang Icon the magazine, showcases each of our designs for ball and parties. The designers we use become famous in a matter of days. Scarlet is new to the design industry, but her name has been seen in minor magazines, but this is her big break. I always choose designers who are not well known. Everybody needs good fortune sometimes.

Scarlett shrugs and helps me get out of the dress. "It was a pleasure working for you Princess." She bows and scurries away with my dress.

I slip on a knee length raspberry spaghetti strap dress. I twist to the door and collide into Henry.

"Hello Princess, looks like you are going somewhere in a rush." Henry slides his hand around my waist and kisses me.

I smile and lean against him. "Just to the library."

"Let me escort you." Henry leads me down a hallway.


I scan the shelves. Where is that book? Henry is sitting in a red armchair. His eyebrows scrunched up in concentration. He is reading Advanced Taxes of Wyona Kingdom.

Our kingdom of Wyona may be advanced in some ways but the laws for princesses suck. Princesses can only date Princes and by the way most princes suck. There are tons of ridiculous laws besides that as well. Henry is a prince and he is pretty amazing as far as princes go but he would be devastated if he knew and the kingdom would be as well. Perfect Princess Gabriella, they would not believe it.

What a Princess Needs To Be by LemonWhere stories live. Discover now