The Fourth Day

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○- Dealix, a senior student at Evergiants High School, sighed as he signed the school's name, finding it cringe-worthy. His buddy next to him chuckled at his expression.

"What a damn school, feels more like a prison every day," his buddy agreed, attempting to continue the conversation. It went nowhere as he realized that Dealix was lost in staring at the clouds rolling in.

- "Hey -"

"Yo~! Dealix, you alright?" he asked. But once again, it fell on deaf ears as a shiver traveled from his buddy's fingers to his right shoulder blade.

"What the hell...?" The friend shook his wrist as if trying to shake off the strange feeling.

"Yo, Dealix!" His buddy raised his voice, causing other students from the school to glance at them with tilted heads.
"Keep walking, keep walking... You freshmen," the two continued moving forward, but Dealix remained entranced by the sky above.

"Dude, why do you keep staring at the damn sky?" Dealix snapped out of it.

A passing teacher warned them about their language, and his buddy responded with an 'F.U. ' gesture behind the teacher's back.

"Sorry, what...?" Dealix replied in a soft voice, struggling to return to reality.

"Dude, you've been doing that a lot lately. Do you need more sleep or something? I've been calling your name for a while."
"Oh? Dang. Maybe I need more sleep, though I thought I've been getting my eight hours," he responded.

Dealix and his buddy Xiel reached the locker room hallways. These lockers were sturdy and could endure rain without damage.

The hallways had arches forming them, with a slight ceiling material above to provide shelter from the rain.

"Alright, dude, take it easy. I'm heading to the first period... You know, there's another kid in my class who does the same thing. Maybe you two should be friends or something, think his name is Lin or something" Xiel said, stealing some breakfast and rushing into the classroom to avoid any conflict.

"Asshole!" The kid who had the breakfast shouted after him, but Xiel just gave him the middle finger and entered the classroom.

Dealix stood there, reflecting on the dreams he's been having for the past few days - shadowy figures talking to him.

Uncanny resemblances to people at his school and strange alterations to the school itself.

He'd talked to his school counselor about it, but they only nodded, jotted things down, and handed the notes to the principal.

clouds moved closer, casting a shadow over the school, and the seams in the cloud formed a smiley face.
Dealix took it as a sign of good things to come. He grabbed his backpack straps, crossed the bridge, and headed up a small hill.
Raindrops began to sprinkle the cement as Dealix entered his classroom.

"I thought it was supposed to be summer," a girl in his class remarked upon entering.

"Rain?" Dealix asked.

"What do you think...?" She made the same cringe-filled expression he had when looking at the school.

"My bad." He replied. She bit her lip in disgust and took her seat. Another girl sitting beside him rolled her eyes and rummaged inside her bag, looking worried.

Dealix took his seat and noticed a tiny piece of a bong sticking out, something he recognized because he was somewhat of a stoner himself.

He wouldn't have recognized it otherwise.

"Hey!" She noticed and quickly pulled back her bag, closing it tightly.

In response, he smiled and formed a circle with three fingers. She scoffed, and he placed his finger to his lips, mimicking the "shush" gesture.

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