The Second Night

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The relentless rain continued to downpour, soaking the streets and buildings alike.

Mier, a curious and observant teenager, raced through the storm in an attempt to reach the safety of his home.

His footsteps splashed through puddles as he navigated the treacherous path.

Each flash of lightning illuminated his surroundings, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance in the dark.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck nearby, the deafening crack sending Mier leaping out of his shoes in surprise.

Heart racing as he stumbled forward, narrowly avoiding another lightning strike that hit a pole just a few meters away, its boom tightening his eardrums.

Panic set in as he continued to run down the path. His ears, ringing.
Seeking refuge, Mier darted into a nearby store, his breath ragged and heart pounding.

The store owner, equally startled by the storm's fury, quickly opened his doors to welcome him in.

Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of awe and apprehension. Each lightning strike outside was like a temporary spotlight, briefly revealing the chaos beyond the store's windows.

"Mom, my stomach hurts," a young girl tugged at her mother's sleeve, her voice trembling.

"It's okay, sweetie. We'll find you something to settle your tummy," her mother reassured, holding her close.

She turned to the store owner and asked if he had anything to help ease her daughter's discomfort.

The owner nodded empathetically and offered a soothing remedy, knowing that such gestures would be remembered in times of need.

As Mier observed the scene, a sudden gust of wind pushed the store's door open.

Entered a tower guard, rain-soaked and determined, his presence seemed out of place in the humble store.

"Why's a Tower guard down here?" someone muttered from the back, curiosity mingled with suspicion.

The guard's voice cut through the murmurs. "I'm here to assist. The storm's escalating, and we're directing everyone to the Towers for better shelter." His words were met with a mix of relief and doubt.

Outside, the storm's fury was relentless, the flashes of lightning creating a chaotic display that seemed almost unreal.

As the guard led everyone out of the store, Mier couldn't help but marvel at the carrier waiting for them.

Its construction material seemed like a secret waiting to be uncovered.

"Are you an engineer?" the guard sees Mier's appraisal, catching him off guard.

"No, just curious," Mier admitted, the guard adjusting his belt. The guard's chuckle didn't exactly answer his question, leaving Meir to ponder the material's composition and its purpose.

As the carrier reached its destination, the guard's demeanor shifted from casual to focused.

"Okay, everyone out. Form a single file line and follow the guards. Stay safe." Guiding the passengers, beckoning them with a stretched arm.

The citizens quickly paced out of the opening, following the rules set by the guard, forming a single file line.

Lightning trembled in the clouds, illustrating a flowing river of illuminations, concerting a rolling thunder.

Mier gazed up towards the clouds, seeing an arching discharge haunting above, his vision getting dragged back towards the entrance of the Tower, its size an intimidating giant.
The group rushed into a cubby arch way of the Tower, slightly guarding them from the raging storm.

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