The First Night

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The orphanage teamed with activity on this particular evening. Korith tended to the vegetable garden in the backyard, while Krissy, unaffected by strange dreams, energetically ran a lemonade stand to raise funds for their upcoming trip.

Exciting events filled the day, and it felt wonderful.
Octavia watched everything unfold, leaning on her practice sword.

"Planning to be a guard or something?" A voice broke the silence.

"Oh, Korith! I assume you're finished with the garden?" Octavia turned around with a smile.

"Yeah, grew a few 'toms,'" Korith replied casually, referring to tomatoes.

"Some 'toms,' huh?" Octavia playfully emphasized the word, grinning.

"Yup, gotta love them tomatoes," Korith responded, tossing a handful of freshly picked tomatoes.

Octavia caught one, examining it with a squint. "Got any salt?"
"Yes, because I always carry salt in my pockets," Korith retorted. Octavia gave her a puzzled look.

"Well, do you?" Korith tossed a makeshift salt shaker to Octavia.
"Not a word..." She gave her a teasing look and pointed playfully.

Octavia grinned and shook her head.

"Nope, I won't say a thing," she chuckled and playfully tugged at Korith's arm.
The moment was shattered by a sudden, violent lightning strike hitting Korith, throwing Octavia off her feet.

Her sword flew into the air; luckily, it wasn't struck directly.

Korith lay flat on the ground, her hair static and tangled. Others rushed to her aid.

"What happened?!" the house mother exclaimed.

Octavia struggled to get to Korith's side, getting up with a disoriented haze. The household mother blocked her path.

"Korith!, Aren't you worried about Korith?!" Octavia shouted, fighting off the daze. Others rushed to Korith's side, and some to hers.

"We don't have time for your panic. She's fine. I can see she's fine," the mother figure reassured her.

Octavia felt perplexed by her mother's response. There was no anger, no mistreatment from her in the past. So why this reaction?

"Let's get you inside," the mother guided Octavia by the arm.
An older sibling came out to help, giving her a hand, but her vision was cut off by the caretaker as they were led into the living room.

"I realize I acted strangely. These situations can be frightening, but everything will be alright. You'll be fine," she spoke soothingly, taking Octavia's hand and placing it on her lap.
"Korith is prone to these occurrences."

"Occurrences like being struck by lightning?!" Octavia retorted.
Outside worsened.

Octavia still found that lightning strike peculiar.

Something about today felt odd, although things were going better, there was just an underlining aura slightly plucking at her.

The rain increased, and everyone gathered inside, either by the fire or with Sue and the older sibling taking care of Korith.

Octavia wasn't allowed to be with her.

However, an urge tugged at her to sneak a peek and ensure her friend was alright.

She just needed reassurance beyond the words she heard being exchanged.

As the storm raged with rolling lightning, Octavia's stomach grumbled.

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